Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Ethan Hawke for me.

I do think that De Niro is the better overall actor than Pacino, plus he actually has something of a comedy catalog to mix things up. Iā€™d definitely consider him.

Love Denzel but he basically plays himself in every movie Iā€™ve seen.

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I hear you but imo youā€™re going to be watching these movies so often that those sorts of details will stop mattering.

I think the real value is in whether their performance brings you deeper into your experience of yourself. Otherwise youā€™ll memorize the plot and performance ticks and then it wonā€™t matter how unique it seemed the first hundred times.

Nic Cage is good pick just because heā€™s in the greatest variety of movies, from critical successes to Hollywood blockbusters to cheesy B movies. Like, you got Mandy, Raising Arizona, Pig, and Primal there is something there for everyone.


Has Denzel ever been in a comedy? Thatā€™s got to hurt his stock.

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This is a really strong pick.

Bruce Campbell is a sneaky good pick as well. He has a long line of small cameos that opens up a huge number of movies that arenā€™t specifically ā€œBruce Campbell moviesā€

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Yes and no.

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Harrison Ford for me. You get all the good Star Wars movies, Blade Runner, all the Indiana Jones movies, Witness, Air Force One, Working Girl, and a bunch of other fun stuff.


Filing the lack of Air Force One on my island under ā€œI wouldnā€™t say Iā€™ve been missing it, Bob.ā€

Speaking of, a person wouldnā€™t miss out too badly by taking Stephen Root, especially if theyā€™re getting his TV shows too.

Yeah im starting to think the best pick is not a leading actor at all, but some type of major ā€œthat guyā€ actor. Somebody like Christopher Mcdonald, who has an absolutely packed filmography. You have Thelma and Louise, Grumpy Old Men, Happy Gilmore, the Faculty, etc etc. You even get some softcore porn with the later American Pie spinoffs.

If you get his Tv and voice acting roles, holy shit. Everything from Cheers to The Sopranos to The League


I was somewhat disappointed by BS High. I know that exposing the ā€œcoachā€ is kind of the deal, but they give him soooooo much time that to some extent it gives him a stage, which is really what people like that ultimately want.

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Iā€™m going with Samuel L. Jackson.

You get a lot of Marvel stuff (the best of which I genuinely enjoy), a TON of random crap Iā€™ve never seen, The Incredibles, Django, The Boondocks, Inglorius Basterds, Kill Bill, True Romance, Jurassic Park, Menace II Society, Goodfellas and of course the biggest reason, Pulp Fiction (possibly still my #1 ever). And Iā€™m skipping a ton of merely good flicks.

Probably not the most highbrow pick, but goddamn heā€™s been in a lot of great stuff!


Thatā€™s an insanely good pick. Heā€™s been in EVERYTHING. Including some of the best high brow stuff of all time.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

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Also quite a pick. Ford is interesting because heā€™s been in a ton of bad stuff too, so you have plenty of things to watch when you want to trash talk for the night.

Does anyone else remember a movie where Samuel Jackson played a junkie and heā€™s basically in his motherā€™s house stealing from her, while sheā€™s yelling at him and heā€™s yelling at her? Itā€™s just a scene I saw, and I donā€™t know what movie it was. But it was a gut-wrenching scene.

Ok looks like it might be Jungle Fever.

This is it. Brutal.


that bedtime story! Instant classic. Highbrow indeed good sir!

Havenā€™t seen The Red Violin Iā€™m sad to say, totes worth it?

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Ford gets you Apocalypse Now also.

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