Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

No, 2023 here in Norway! Not available on any streaming service either.

Never seen that movie but you might feel differently if you knew that the director got married to a 16yo when he was in his thirtiesā€¦

Iā€™d say that fact makes me feel worse about one scene in particular where it feels like underage Natalie Portman is being portrayed in a potentially creepy way, but I donā€™t think it moves the needle much regarding the overall merits of the plotline I mentioned.

That scene in Leon definitely creeped me out, it seemed to sexualize an extremely young Natalie Portman in ways that feel icky to see on screen. If youā€™re going to add a plot line about a girl with an inappropriate crush on an older teacher, there are probably a million better ways to go about it.


Oh boo. That sucks. It is on ā€œother servicesā€ but I hate doing that for small Indy films like this.

Not really sure about that. Doesnā€™t about every action movie ever enthusiastically endorse violence? I think itā€™s more the ā€œbad guy deserved itā€ out.

And then thereā€™s stuff like Saw thatā€™s just like ā€œlook at how awesome torture is.ā€

edit: and you agree in your final paragraph.

Same. Generally donā€™t use those services at all anymore.

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Count me as someone who refuses to watch Licorice Pizza because of the relationship. And from what Iā€™ve heard of the plot, the relationship is well endorsed.

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How to Blow Up a Pipeline is now on Hulu. Will add this to my list

Itā€™s pretty great. Best heist film since oceans 11.

On the newest Rewatchables (The Equalizer), Bill Simmons throws out the notion that if you were stuck on a desert island with only one actorā€™s catalog available to you, he might go with Denzel. I enjoy Denzel very much, but he wouldnā€™t be a major consideration for me (though I do carry around a perpetual agitation that people donā€™t tend to recognize Glory as the GOAT war movie).

My initial thought would be that I would just end up having to go with Pacino in order to keep the Godfather trilogy, and with it would keep Dog Day Afternoon, Heat, Glengarry Glen Ross, Heat, The Irishman, Donnie Brasco, and The Insider (Scarface intentionally omitted, did not enjoy). However, the recent Hanks convo ITT may make it too tempting to go with him. Higher number of great films, and more importantly a much greater variety in genre. Being stuck exclusively with the fairly narrow tone that Pacino always works within forever may manage to become grating more quickly even though he has worked on the very best. So I imagine Hanks would end up being my choice even as I weep bitterly over the loss of The Godfather.

Who would other people pick?

Sam Jackson should be in the conversation

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Tom Cruise too

Nic Cage

With him I get some classics, some hilarious stinkers, and a shitload of movies Iā€™ve never seen. Holy crap Nic Cage has been in a lot of movies.

Even if Iā€™m prioritizing just getting a big catalog, Iā€™m pretty confident Iā€™m taking Kevin Bacon before Iā€™m taking Nic Cage.

Joe Estevez imo

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Meryl Streep

Iā€™d probably pick De Niro over Pacino, that way you get to keep Heat & Godfather 2 and you add Deer hunter and a bunch of great Scorsese movies.

(Never seen dog day afternoon though but itā€™s on my watchlist)

I could also go old school and pick Cary Grant or James Stewart (CG more fun but might be too much of the same when JS has a bigger rangeā€¦both have 100+ I havenā€™t seen and thereā€™s bound to be some good stuff there)

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