Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Apparently Fred Durst and both the “Pete’s” from Pete and Pete are part of the cast


Fair. They always go out of their way to say nobody should ever join Patreon unless they can do so without any hardship. They are stand up guys.

Talk to me was in streaming limbo for a loooooooong time and has quietly (for some reason) finally been released to Paramount/Showtime.


This movie is getting tons of hype. Going to watch it tomorrow. Made for like a $100k.


Civil War is ultimately a failure by not building toward anything in particular. Not a thematic payoff. Not a plot payoff. Not a character growth payoff. Several scenes made me think they could easily have been rearranged and you’d never know they’d been remixed.

Having said that, it had a lot of jump scares that got me. And there are some great performances.

Did you know Mel Gibson is making a 2-part sequel to Passion of the Christ?

That is not something I need in my life

Jesus rises from the tomb and unleashes holy vengeance? (Specifically against the Jews)


SNL did that already:

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The return of Buddy Christ imo

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You know what, your boy TV’s Frank knows how to find hilariously bad movies. If you like B-action movies, you should see The Beekeeper, but if you like even dumber movies, The Bricklayer hits the spot.

PS: The Long Kiss Goodnight is a masterpiece.


The third movie in the 2010s Planet of the Apes trilogy is a pretty big comedown from the first two, where the first was great and the second was even better. No strong human protagonist (like in the first two) and no elite villain (like in part two) doesn’t leave nearly as much to glom onto. It’s not bad, there are segments I like, but when the trilogy goes “great → excellent → decent,” it’s hard not to feel some disappointment in the last part.

Still in for the follow-up coming next month.


Fuck Weinstein for forcing this movie into obscurity because you can’t find it anywhere.

I liked civil war a lot and my thoughts are more in line with clovis


Get out of here with that spapienscentric bias of yours. Ok human. Bet you loved Tom Cruise in the last Samurai and love the 80s shogun.


SMH, it’s always the people you least expect…

Harsh but fair.

I think I’d have liked it a lot more if the ending hadn’t felt so subdued and anti climactic vis a vis the civil war part. I heard I missed a couple of things by leaving during the credits tho.

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The ending is the weakest part for sure. Until the final act its a sold 8/10. The final act is like a 5/10 so drags it down.

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I got it as best movie of the year so far but I liked it a lot and I’m not as high on dune as others

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