Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

That’s how Hollywood works, child actors don’t just show up in a movie like that without family connections of some kind.

One of my all time favorites. I know its weird to list it at the top of Fincher’s films, but there is so much cool direction in that movie. Yoakam comes out of nowhere to play an absolutely terrifying villain.

Didnt realize it was such a hit until reading the wiki just now. 200 mil worldwide on a 50 budget isnt super amazing, but thats a good profit for a thriller like this.

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Watched It Happened One Night (1934) last night. I’d seen it once before, 15-20 years ago, and remembered it fondly, but my memory had sold it short. This movie not only innovated the romantic comedy, but it remains one of the best ones ever created. I’m not going to pretend that you can’t spot the age on a movie from this long ago, but what I will say is that this is just about as timeless as a 90-year-old movie could possibly feel. Crackling chemistry between Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert, lots of laugh-out-loud lines, I was enthralled. Available on Tubi and strongly recommended if you like classics and haven’t seen it.


Looms like Panettiere was on tap for the role too, and she could have pulled it off as well I think

I have to put it behind eight other Fincher movies, but that’s just a commentary on how stellar the Fincher catalog is. Panic Room is definitely really good.


Seen it long ago, but its on the list of things to watch with my wife and son. With it on Tubi we will probably crank it out this weekend.


Albert Brooks telling Debbie Reynolds, “It’s like ‘It Happened One Night’ for food” about her fridge setup, and Reynolds responding with, “Oh, I love that movie! Clark Gable was wonderful.” The sequence is kind of a throw-away in the context of that movie, and it still burrowed into my head enough that it has always given the film extra coolness points to me. Even if it was scripted, I like to think the delivery was just Debbie herself extending her own love for the movie and for Clark Gable, which is a hell of a high compliment after you see just how hard she kills it in Singin’ in the Rain a couple of decades later.

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Kristen Stewart is amazing. Put her in pretty much anything.

I think my favorites with her are Happiest Season, Underwater, and Equals.

Oh yeah she was also amazing in the most recent Charlie’s Angels.

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This was the final trailer at my screening of Civil War


Looks like somebody took a creepypasta and thought “What if we turn this into an insane arthouse film and sell it to A24?”

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You sonofabitch. I’m in.

I stopped this review once they got to the spoiler section at the end. Sounds like they echo the complaints and praises of the posters here. They say the movie asks questions and deliberately leaves it up to the audience to provide their own answers. Up to me whether I mind this movie in particular doing so.

I’m debating whether to walk half an hour to a movie theater where I have a free pass to see this.

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I do like Brigette Lundy-Paine. She was the best part of Atypical.

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Now there’s a show you don’t hear about often enough. Big fan.

It’s a very good and fair discussion. I love these guys been a listener for like 15 years. all three like it but there are some annoyances about the lack of a partisan angle.

FYI. If you are not a supporter on Patreon I highly recommend it. Their extra content is very good and weekly.

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Ain’t nobody got money for that lol

I believe it. They’re a joyful group.

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Going to see civil war imax tonight, stoked!


I hope for that actors sake it does well. He was the lead in the biggest bomb this year.

It’s pretty buzzy. The trailer doesn’t excite me, but I’m still planning to see it based on the festival hype.

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