Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Right. And I’d still tell everyone to see it at least once. I just feel like the ending could have been much bigger and would have elevated the movie.

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I also didn’t like the style shift. It sort of changed to a FPS at the end.

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Hundreds of Beavers

This is the most insane, most creative, most fun, most wtf movie. It’s basically an old school, silent film (sort of) live action cartoon (sort of), black and white (sort of) movie with more special effects than a Micheal Bay film (but all are made on a pc with adobe after effects).

It’s funny, cute, and weird as hell.

A total joy.

Dude took like $150,000, which is the beverage budget on a marvel film, and crammed more imagination into his little film than in a hundred Hollywood movies.

Grade: A-

How can ‘A total joy.’ not get an A?..dam

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Idk if its just a cineplex thing or us/canada wide, but all kubrick films are being shown here over the next 2 weeks.

Heat is perfection all the way through. It’s free on Tubi for anyone who needs that feeling of catching it at any point in the movie and watching it to completion through all of the commercials.

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This looks…potentially great?

Two things:

  1. If anybody wants to see a new Shamaylan without spoilers, dont watch that trailer. It should have ended when the concession dude said "this whole concert, its a trap" I was in at that point and it kind of ruined the main conceit of the movie.

  2. Its Shamaylan and WB. Theyll fuck it up somehow

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I can more easily get my mind around red zebras spontaneously coming into existence and populating the globe overnight.


Boy do I have a twisty bridge to sell you

Idk I thought the trailer looked pretty good, and Shyamalan has lately been hitting a bunch of good swings. Not all great but all of them worth seeing once. Except Old. That was immediately terrible.

Im more thinking about Warner, holy shit they are doing poorly lately. It does look interesting, and I will likely watch it (by super legal means I assure you) at some point down the line. Unless we get a Thursday night before Friday release review embargo.

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Heh fair enough. You do have to always be ready for a repeat of Lady in the Water.

Or Old

Or The Happening


I kinda sorta liked some parts of Signs and 6th Sense was good, but I can’t back Risky’s play here, all the rest of the man’s movies are turrible.

6th sense, Unbreakable

And thats about it

I thought Knock at the Cabin was quite good

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I’m with Risky, I haven’t seen Airbender and still need to see Knock at the Cabin, but I’ve seen all the others and I’d say the only truly bad Shyamalan movie is After Earth.

The rest is mostly between great and good, with a few sorta bad movies but which still have more cool ideas in them than the vast majority of movies.

(I don’t want to watch that trailer but I’m pretty optimistic about this new one)

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I thought that was executed pretty well. I’m sure I’ve annoyed people with a hypothetical question about almost that scenario dozens of times in my life. It was nice to see someone really run with it.

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Shyamalan films are generally good if you just accept the final 15 min will be terrible. The ride is still usually worth it.