Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I’ll stop after this, but do you consider that to be a weak choice or a strong choice? He’s said some pretty stupid stuff in the press related to politics in the run up to the film’s release.

I actually think it’s a decent title, what’s your problem with it ? too long, too cute, too spoilery ? anyway +1 on the movie being good (I’ve hated the few others I’ve seen from this director though)

haha I also think this title is good, of course it doesn’t have anything to do with the content of the movie but it’s a cool word, so why not use it :smiley:
btw I just watched the original French Wages of fear and it’s also pretty great. different enough from Sorcerer to make watching both worth it.
(there is also another Netflix French “remake” that just came out, I guess to come after the first two you have to either have a great vision or just be a complete hack, very very probably the latter but who knows)

Yeah, I posted upthread prior to seeing the movie about his dumb politics comments, obviously agree about how silly those were. In terms of this choice within the movie, I’m fine with it. It fleetingly occurred to me a couple of times during the movie, “I guess we’re really never finding out most of what caused this war…?” but it really was not much of a distraction at all during because that’s not the story he was telling. I think there’s plenty of room for a piece of art that focuses wholly on the real and catastrophic downstream effects that occur as a result of war no matter how justified or unjustified the reasons for its being fought.

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Too long, too literal. Even if a valid characterization of the movie’s focus, I don’t get making that your title when there absolutely has to be something more concise available. I don’t much care about spoilers that the movie wants to proactively give away; it’s a valid storytelling choice in some instances to tell your audience the end(?) at the beginning.

That said, I should probably stop opining on something I haven’t yet seen, because I guess I could theoretically change my mind upon seeing the actual product.


Wasn’t John Carter a case where the people making the decisions had hit an age where they remembered the books from their yout and thought everyone would like them? There were probably a lot of young yes-men laughing about this project every night after work.

It’s difficult to think of any movie title that is more than about 8 syllables that I would classify as a good title.

Surely 10 words (one of them with 5 syllables) is far too long.

Yeah, I was just going through my favorite movies and it’s pretty rare to see eight syllables exceeded. I think something like 2001: A Space Odyssey (nine syllables) feels like it’s okay because you can easily shorthand it down to 2001. I love The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, but I’ve actually never liked that title (11 syllables) because of length. But I can also quickly refer to it as Benjamin Button, which is mitigating.

This movie in question feels like it can, at best, be shortened to “The Assassination of Jesse James,” which by itself (10 syllables) might be passable, but as an abbreviation it’s quite long.

I should watch the OG Wages of Fear someday.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is a great title, captures the old-timey feel of the old West. Sorcerer is just far too inscrutable. Wages of Fear a much better title.


There’s a lot of history behind the problems of that movie. It should have been a smashing success on all levels but Disney didn’t believe in it before it was made, and didn’t care about it after it was, from my recollection. The Pixar people who were involved in it burned a ton of goodwill capital trying to get it made (first live action movie), if I remember correctly as well. The name issue was a sticking point, too, from memory, but I can’t remember who was on what side about that. Wiki might pick up a good bit of that.

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Hell yeah

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brilliant film

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Drive Away Dolls already on Peacock

Btw: apparently I had been confusing this movie with Love Lies Bleeding

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They are the comets gonna kill us all of lesbian crimes love stories.

Bleeding is way better than dolls btw.

Weird how some movies tend to come out in pairs. Like Volcano and Dante’s Peak

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Co-signed. I had fun with Dolls though.

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Armageddon and Deep Impact is the first to come to my mind


Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter hit the market around the same time also.

Also I’ve still never seen Stir of Echoes because it seemed to draw such a clear consensus reaction of “The Sixth Sense but not as good.” Those came out close together.

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Antz/A Bug’s Life
Finding Nemo/Shark Tale
The Prestige/The Illiusionist
EdTV/Truman Show
White House Down/Olympus Has Fallen
Red Planet/Mission to Mars
Tombstone/Wyatt Earp
This is the End/The World’s End
No Strings Attached/Friends with Benefits
Snow White and the Huntsman/Mirror, Mirror