Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

It holds up fine. I only recently watched it for the first time. Obviously I have to apply an “it was the 80s” mental filter, but I had fun.

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Hollywood has been trying for decades to make movies that capture the energy of video games and Neil Breen has perfectly nailed the vibe of 90’s point and click adventure games. Genius.

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Good to hear, I watched the CinemaSins on it this week and it messed with my head about it…

Hey, you guys might actually like the new one then

Lol, he wasnt wrong. Pretty good episode froma series that has more misses than hits lately

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I watched Ricky Stanicky last night on Amazon. John Cena is hilarious, and Zac Ephron does his pretty boy, straight-man schtick.

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If the whole movie wasn’t in this trailer, this could be pretty good:

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It seems like a 6 minute SNL sketch that somehow became a movie

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Watched this last week, Cena was great in it. Nothing groundbreaking but it got a bunch of laughs out of me. Didnt realize it was a Farrelly brother (one of them not both) movie until later.

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So much for those movies that were $0 yesterday :sob:

I can’t claim to be shocked. Ah well.

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It was 100% too good to be true. Sigh.

yeah i was surprisingly entertained by this even tho thru the whole movie I was thinking this is going to be shit isn’t it?

William H. Macy was pretty funny also.

Godzilla x Kong

I knew the plot would be pretty bad, and I came in ready to generously grade it on the Mission: Impossible scale and assess it mostly just as to whether it succeeded as a spectacle.

It did not. Final 10-15 minutes were pretty fun and rescued this score from being even lower. If not for Spaceman, I’d be putting this forward as the worst 2024 release I’ve seen.


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I just saw Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla for the first time since I was a kid.

The human plot was stupid. The monster fights were awesome.

Are the GxK fights good? That’s all I need from the Monsterverse.

That’s pretty much all I was judging it on too. I was mostly bored until the end, when I thought it finally ticked up noticeably for a little bit.

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Man, if you haven’t seen 2001, run to your library and get the book and then get the DVD, it’s so worth seeking out.