Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

You’re making a point based on an assumed set of criteria.

Everyone else is just saying what they like the most.

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True. It’s just anecdotal that I’ve seen the claim it’s his best film paired with critiques of his films overall.

40 years ago today


I enjoyed the new Ghostbusters movie. Sure there were problems with the script, but it was fun, had a soul and was shot on real locations and sets, which is more than you can say for a lot of movies these days. If you’ve seen the original 10+ times, you’ll probably like it too.

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I just watched The Gambler, with Mark Wahlberg, Brie Larson and John Goodman.

I thought it was kind of meh. Goodman was amazing but only in a few scenes. Wahlberg seemed like he phoned it in, while Larson was wasted playing a silly character.

I’ve for sure watched that movie before but I can’t remember a single thing about it. It’s one of those completely forgetable (at least for me) movies.

It looks like it’s a remake of the (very good) James Caan movie from 1974. Swapping out Caan for Wahlberg is such a brutal downgrade that I’m not surprised if the remake is rough.

Friday the 13th

I don’t entirely get how this spawned a whole franchise. Seems like the basic idea was “let’s recreate Halloween, but be worse in every way.” It’s competently made, I wouldn’t accuse it of being actively bad or anything (though I can’t claim to like ~anything involving Mrs. Voorhees), but I guess it was so wildly successful that it just got to hang around forever to keep printing money? It did have a good hook to make you want to come back to the sequel, I give it that much. But it otherwise strikes me as the very definition of generic.

FT13 pt2 was my first slasher flick in the theater. If they were on tv they were heavily edited so the nudity and gore are fondly remembered.

I needed up not being a huge horror film watcher. But the scene with the bloody spear driven through the two young lovers and into the floor under the bed is burned in my brain.

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That might be the best one, too. 2, 3 and 4 are the pinnacle of F13.

The video game was an absolute labor of love that I adore but got ruined thanks to a bullshit lawsuit. Servers are shutting down end of this year.

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Alright, good to hear these things. Was planning on going ahead and watching part two also at some point, but this feedback is enough to solidify that plan.

Definitely watch the first 4 and the skip ahead to Jason X. You must watch Jason X. Rotten Tomatoes has it at 19%. This is clearly a mistake, someone made a typo and it was meant read 91%. I’ll email their editing department now to inform them.

Jason X’s production wanted to use David Cronenberg’s effects team for the opening scene to get that gooeyness just right. Cronenberg said fine but with one condition. They had to cast him in the movie. So if it’s good enough for Cronenberg…

The first F13ths I watched were parts 3 and 4. I was 12 or 13 and my parents would rent a VCR for me and my buddies. We’d load up on junk food and watch horror and sci-fi movies all night. Friday 3&4 and the first Nightmare were out around the same time and we watched those a ton. We went back and picked up 1 and 2. I remember 13 year old me being bored by 1 and I don’t think I’ve ever gone back and tried to watch it again.



I…might not be the target audience for this recommendation.

I love them all except part V A New Beginning. Ugh to that one.

My favorite is part VII with the girl who has telekinesis.

Jason Goes to Hell is pretty bad but the opening scene needs to be seen. It shows what would happen if the world found out about Jason and decided to send the military after him.

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We’re friends now

To be clear, you seem to be a studied critic of film…I am not claiming these to be great films, but I love them all to some degree. 2, 3, and 4 are the best of the bunch for sure. Hope you enjoy.

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Oh don’t get me wrong, I indulge lots of unserious movies and enjoy many of them. I’ll definitely give Friday the 13th Part 2 a go, and hopefully I’ll feel compelled to continue further in the franchise afterward.

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What’s your favorite “dumb” movie?

Not exactly what mine is, but Dumb & Dumber, Billy Madison and Dude Where’s My Car would be near the top.

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Night at the Roxbury is my favorite that has deeply underwater scores everywhere.

There are others I like more that seem objectively dumb, but are more popular (Commando, Predator, Cocktail), so it sort of hinges on what qualifies.

Of course, being a wrestling fan is the most shameful thing about me. None of the movies I like can touch that.