Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

True but the point still stands that he could have done more to integrate with the tribe. Maybe he doesn’t even try to get with someone. Maybe someone should have tried to get with him. Again, it’s been a long time and I’m forgetting finer plot points. The first takeaway I will always have with the movie is that two white people ended up together and left together at the end. Their lives will most likely be returning to white society, which is subtext that’s not stated.

So you’re admitting that this white man would not want to be with a Sioux woman because of racism? Hmm

I don’t understand your critique. It boils down to a film set in 1860 and filmed in 1990 doesn’t have modern racial morality. We all agree but it’s just stating the obvious. That is true of basically every film set or made before this current decade.

Again, my only point was it’s not a white saviour narrative and you have yet to counter that point.

Well it’s white savior without being results-oriented.

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Does his perception that he leaves at the end to ‘save’ the tribe fall into that? I sure think it does. And the good news is in his 1860s mentality, he also saved that white woman. Because he’s still racist. Who is he saving? He’s saving the white woman. Especially inside 1860s mentality. We’re probably defining white savior differently, though. The white savior takes many forms. In my point, it’s saving the white woman because he’s a white man.


I’m whatever about horror generally. It’s a genre I can enjoy, but I know there’s really hardcore horror fans who like a lot more of this stuff than I do. They very well might like this movie better than I did.

I just didn’t feel like there was a ton to glom onto here. I’m still not in on the whole Sydney Sweeney thing; her acting is outshined by most who are at her status level. I did think the ending was good. Yes, the actual ending before the credits rolled, not just the credits rolling so I could go home. Safe to say that I prefer an experience like Love Lies Bleeding, where I liked everything but the ending, to an experience like this where I liked the ending but struggled badly to get into it otherwise.


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Thought this was fantastic.

I wasn’t necessarily planning on seeing it, but Sean Fennessey and Chris Ryan on the latest Big Picture made it sound like it may be worth my while. Ah well. I came out of the theater going, “Well, it isn’t the worst 2024 release I’ve seen, I guess.” Which made me consider what the bottom of my list would look like.

Fucking hell, 2024 has been serving up some bullshit despite the occasional bright spots.

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He leaves because he is the reason they are in trouble not the guy saving them. They saved him.

Anyway let’s just agree to disagree.

The plot literally says the soldiers are searching for him and the tribe without ever finding either. It also says the diary that gave away some locations was returned to him. If they take out the ‘chase’ scene at the end, your point would be a good one. But with that ‘chase’ scene there and nothing happening afterward, there is no reason for him to leave other than taking the white woman from the tribe. 3D 1860s chess.

I’ve only seen her in White Lotus and that rom com movie where she goes to Australia but Sydney Sweeney seems like a pretty bad actor to me.

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Damn, The Killing is so freaking good, it’s on permanent rewatch.


Tapped out at 40 min mark of new Road House. It’s really bad.

I was choosing between that and The Abyss last night. Went with the lattter.


The Kubrick movie?

Ohhhh, I thought this was the TV thread, because The Killing in the TV world also kills it pretty hard.

heck yeah

“Guy tries to patch up his relationship with his wife/ex-wife during a disaster” is the best premise for a blockbuster action movie ever, how come movies don’t do that anymore.

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True Romance is still a banger, hadn’t seen it in 15+ years but it’s still a great watch.


Oh John, why does this keep happening to us.

Die Hard 3 killed it. Realized they didn’t need her.