Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and Apocalypse Now would be my choices

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Also itā€™s on Max, and hard to sell the wife and kids on a 3 hour western even if it is an absolute must see

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I donā€™t think Big Lebowski, Apocalypse Now, or Alien are streaming. And while Iā€™ll drop $$$$ in an instant on running shoes I donā€™t need, I refuse to pay $5 to rent something when I have all these dumb subscriptions.

Oh snap, Alien is on Disney. I think that might be the winner. I think itā€™s that, Once Upon a Time in America, or Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

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Alien is an elite movie too. Chuckā€™s consideration re: GBU is true and Iā€™d still go with that, but you definitely wouldnā€™t be making a bad call with Alien.

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Definitely go with Alien and then Aliens. An elite double feature. Iā€™m jealous of you getting to see them for the first time.

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Absolutely Hot Fuzz is my pick

Never seen this either.

Do I have to/should I watch the other two Dollars movies first?

Nope they are completely separate from each other.

This, WTF go watch these movies ASAP.

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What Chuck said. You can watch it straight away with no loss of anything.

I never wanted to watch westerns. Saw GBU this year, its fantastic. One of my favorite movies of all time. See it asap

I recommend High Noon if you havenā€™t seen it.

Not that itā€™s anything like GBU or anything.

I think there are two other films that are higher on his priority list at the moment.

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At this point, I think we have a They Live situation where he would sooner have a fistfight with me than just put the damn sunglasses on that Iā€™m offering him. Iā€™m relatively sure my friendly nudges to watch The Godfather have reached the point of diminishing returns.


Saw it tonight, loved it,

Thought the ending was good

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Try Infernal Affairs instead. I assume youā€™re going to need the subtitles, but itā€™s a banger.

Think it is time to make either Alien or GBU next on Unstuck rewatchables. Not sure if I am clever enough to nail down the topics, but has been a while since I have done a full rewatch of either. Both are bonafide classics.


Shane is up there too as one of the best

Alien was very good. Visual effects were sometimes a little rough, and I wonder if Iā€™m going to like Aliens a lot more. Similar to how I like Terminator 2 much more than the original.

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Iā€™m pretty sure that the majority view is:
T2 > T1
Alien > Aliens

I wouldnā€™t count on preferring the sequel in this case. Still great though.

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