Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Funny you post this, my wife and I also watched an 80’s horror movie that drew criticism from the gay community for being a gay panic film.

The Hitcher is a glorious mess of crazy. I really thought I had the film figured out, but it does not go the way I saw it going.

Also, the Nash kill is unbelievably gnarly, and Rutger Hauer plays a psychopath pitch perfectly. I really thought the ending was going to be that Jim was doing the killings all along and John was his psychotic alter-ego, but nope. Somehow John is just an absurdly supernatural killer that can be anywhere at any time with no rhyme or reason.


I love The Hitcher

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Its fucking bonkers, but I was 100% enthralled and engaged from the very beginning. Despite the lead’s acting chops (or lack thereof)

I would love to see an alternate universe where Ebert picked it up again later in life and loved it for what it was instead of hating it for what it wasnt. A 0 star review is a travesty

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The initial meeting between Howell and Hauer was one of the scariest scenes I’ve ever watched.

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Yikes new Ghostbusters is getting very mixed reviews

The incredibly hacky Bill Murray “tall, dark, and horny” joke in the trailer was kind of a giveaway that this movie was probably a pass.

A bit more hopeful for Godzilla x Kong next week.

Easiest shocked pikachu ever

Loved Minus One so much that I need to recalibrate for the Monsterverse.

Watch/rewatched all the movies after the tv series came out. Have become a huge Anna Sarai fan, more based on Shogun than Monarch. She expresses so much with minor facial expression changes.

I got to go to a preview showing last night and put me in the firmly “meh” camp. It is cool to see some of the old gang, and there were a few legitimate laugh out loud jokes, but, overall, it felt a bit flat and choppy with a bit too much exposition at the start of the film.

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I’m definitely starting from an assumption of “of course it’s worse than Minus One, but is it maybe still pretty good?” Sounds like the review embargo is lifting on Monday, so I gather they’re not expecting it to get completely savaged or anything at the least.

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I thought godzilla 2014 and skull island were legitimately good action movies. Since then its veered into silliness, but if the action scenes are cool im in.



Ok, I have a vague request that will be hard to satisfy:
Wife and kids are out of town - what banger of a movie should I watch that they’re unlikely to care about?
Subscriptions: Max, Netflix, Prime, Paramount, Hulu (I think?), Disney

I’ve seen very few recent releases - only Barbie, Oppenheimer, Mission Impossible. I feel like Poor Things is a risky choice. Very much want to see Past Lives, but will save it to watch with wife.

Help me out. I wasted one night already watching Internal Affairs, which was enormously stupid.

Edit: Old classics are fine. I watched most of Pulp Fiction last night on the treadmill and it obviously still rules.

Seen Hot Fuzz yet?

12 Angry Men if you haven’t seen it.


Off the top of my head, never seen famous movies: Hot Fuzz, Big Lebowski, Alien (any), French Connection, Chinatown, Apocalypse Now, most Hitchcock, Instellar, Tenet, basically all westerns (including Eastwood classics as well as Tombstone/True Grit/Wyatt Earp)

Saw 12 Angry Men multiple times and love it.

Big Lebowski or Alien and Aliens double feature. Wouldn’t waste my time watching a new movie.


The Big Lebowski and see what John Ford westerns are available if you want to see a western. Even his most low rent catalog has never been bad minus the racism toward Native Americans. The Searchers might be the best one to try if you need it in color.

EDITED: The Searchers isn’t available for streaming so maybe The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is nearly perfect.