Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Shane is still a resume gap for me. Definitely on my list.

Well to hell with that then, go see another indie horror.

I prefer Aliens to Alien but i think that is a minority take

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Alien is more horror while Aliens is more action. They are both great though.


Itā€™s good that they got blowback over this, but Iā€™m not planning on skipping.


eh, consider pirating it

T1 plot is more driven, pounding. Clearly the technical effects parts of T2 are better but Arnold is the more dramatic killing machine than Liquid Metal man.

Alien/Aliens agree horror-suspense vs action.

Iā€™m in the minority that really liked T3 and especially itā€™s ending.



but yeah GBU is great, its mandatory to see at least one spaghetti western. Unforgiven is my favorite western though but is a little heavier on the content and doesnā€™t quite represent the genre. Tombstone would be my pick for a good starter western that isnā€™t too old-timey. I feel like it doesnā€™t quite get the respect it deserves (too normal maybe?), there are so many classic scenes.

I think Open Range is highly enjoyable as more modern pure westerns go. Robert Duvallā€™s work is such a gift to us all.

I think the best gateway Western is something like The Quick and the Dead. You get all the modern Raimiisms set inside a Western. Makes it feel like it isnt pulled straight from the sixties or seventies


The original 3:10 to Yuma is on Criterion, Iā€™ve been meaning to see it.

Yeah thatā€™s right there with Tombstone IMO, just banger scene after scene, ridiculous cast, but gets hated on by critics because its not trying to be Dances with Wolves.

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Dance with Wolves is good too!

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Even better than good IMO. Remembered being bored with it as a kid, gave it a proper watch in the past couple of years and itā€™s great.

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Meh, I mean its fine, I just canā€™t unsee the white savior aspect of it in 2024.

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You couldnā€™t unsee it in 1990. It was problematic at the time that a white guy goes Native American and falls in love with a white woman who also goes Native American. It was very offensive on its face, but still a good movie with great cinematography. Back when Premiere magazine used to be a thing, my mom used to put in postcards to get free tickets to early screenings of movies. That was one I saw before it was released wide as a freshman in college in Boston. The audience painfully groaned and squirmed at the opening boots scene.

The extended cut somehow makes it even better. And the movie was already three hours!

I love Quick and the Dead. A classic for our boy Leo.

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A classic for most of the cast. Most people have Stoneā€™s best work to be Basic Instinct or Casino, but Iā€™ve always liked her more in this movie.

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