Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Saw Dune 2 in Dolby Cinema tonight.

I thought the original was merely decent; I couldn’t get above that through two watches, even with the second watch being in IMAX.

The sequel fucking rocks. The bar has been set for 2024 in film, and it has been set high. Believe the hype.



Anatomy of a Fall

Was going to watch this two nights ago, but wound up watching the Saprissa-Philadelphia game instead. That game was a 10/10 on the entertainment scale, so no regrets.

First off, is the French justice system really like that? I’m no lawyer and have never been in a courtroom, but some of the stuff they did just seemed absolutely bonkers to me.

Intriguing movie, led by the acting. Lead actress was outstanding, so was the child. Even the dog was good. There were some directorial and script choices that I didn’t quite agree with, but I have seen a ton of great movies over the past two months, so I may be in a mood where I’m judging it a bit harsher than usual. I don’t want to give any bad impressions; it’s still a very good film.

But I never want to hear that steel drum 50 Cent song ever again.


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God damn it.

I have zero interest in this franchise

I see that we’re conducting our own Picking Nits segment! Simmons gets a lot wrong, and yes she did eventually go to Russia, but you know what he means. Adrian’s initial refusal to go along to watch Rocky almost certainly get killed was wholly reasonable in my view, but she did wash her hands of him before having a change of heart.

As an American lawyer, rest assured this was also my reaction. I still don’t know the answer.

I laughed at the suggestion I saw on social media that they should use this to play people off at the Oscars this year if their speech goes on too long.

I only suggest this because it was my experience, it may well not be yours, but: it might grow on you. This continued to get better for me as I let it marinate and heard others’ thoughts about it. It’s a pretty rich text I think.

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Okay that’s amazing. I take back what I said.


Why not TT?

I’m going to wait for others to see Dune 2 before diving too deep in but I thought it was a beautiful movie to watch, even emotional at times but I didn’t really enjoy the plot to be totally honest. Also there were two pretty jarring moments where it didn’t feel like they did a good job tying the story together. Suddenly we were somewhere later in the story with no warning and were just left to assume the filler. It was weird to me. I’m interested to see what others think on that one.

I personally think the first one is the better film although they are both great.

Then don’t watch Expend4bles

We already know the plot so I can’t see myself having an issue with it but we’ll see, going on Sunday.

Haha I liked the 50 cent drum song

Allegedly, the song was going to be Jolene at first, but they had rights problems or something, so they switched to this. As much as I love Jolene: for this specific purpose, this was an upgrade.

I didn’t read the books so am going in blind to the plot.

Is this Sharon Stone? I have face blindness to Sharon Stone (seriously, it’s weird), so I never know if it’s her.

It looks like some weird ai mash up I think.

On first glance I would think Aubrey Plaza

It’s Aubrey. Looks like there could be some Sigourney in there as well but I think it’s just Aubrey. The scene is from White Lotus.

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Local theater plays all of the Oscar nominated short films in the three categories. Went to see the animated nominees tonight.

All of them were basically monologues with accompanying dialogue. I don’t remember that being normal before.

Each of the films had a distinct animation style. I liked that a lot.

Our Uniform - A story about a girl growing up in Tehran and her experiences with a hijab. Probably my favorite animation wise. Story was pedestrian. 6/10

Letter to a Pig - A Holocaust survivor speaks of his experience to a group of mostly ungrateful schoolchildren. Then it takes a turn towards fantasy that I was not a fan of. 4/10

Pachyderme - A French nine-year-old recalls visiting her grandparents over the summer. Mostly bored me, could not get into this at all. 3/10

Ninety-Five Senses - An old dude tells a story of his life. Was bored before it took an unexpected turn for the better. 8/10

War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko - A story about WWI and how war is stupid. Complete Oscar bait. This sort of thing has been done much better many times before. 2/10

Apparently Letter to a Pig is the slight favorite over War is Over. Neither would be the correct choice, but War is Over would actively offend me if it won.

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I watched Oppenheimer a second time. It might be my fourth favorite Nolan film.

  1. The Prestige
  2. The Dark Knight
  3. Inception
  4. Oppenheimer

It’s like what if you combined The Prestige and There Will Be Blood.

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