Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I’m gonna check it out. It’s free on Tubi :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

The Hunt (2012)

Mother of God. I need to catch my breath from what I just watched.

It’s wild to me that the Mads Mikkelsen/Thomas Vinterberg film that won Best International Feature at the Oscars was Another Round back in 2021, because - although I did like that film and thought it was good - it’s nothing compared to this one. (This one did get nominated in 2013 and lost to Italy’s The Great Beauty, which I haven’t seen.)

This is quite dark and intense, a plot based on gossip that spins out of control. It’s masterfully paced and executed, Mikkelsen is a tremendous leading man every time he’s given the steering wheel, and I can’t even really think of any criticism I have off-hand for this film.

I regard this as an easy 4.5/5 at least, and I could see myself ultimately considering giving it a five-star rating; I just don’t do that in the direct aftermath of having first watched something. Thoroughly impressed.

It’s on Hoopla and Kanopy for free if you happen to be connected up with either of those through your library card.

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I agree with both of you.

I’d say the first 45 minutes are nearly perfectly paced, but the rest of the movie just can’t stay quite as focused.


Newest episode of Rewatchables reminds me how much I love Rounders. An all star crew on board for the podcast too.

I liked it a lot too but they were too hard on the girlfriend.

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As being too hard on the love interest goes, Bill finally stumbled on the right take re: Adrian’s line being totally defensible in Rocky IV when they did the Rocky IV Rewatchables, but he since slipped right back into using her as an example of a bad movie wife/girlfriend, name-dropping her here in comparison to Jo. It was actually funny when he started going “maybe Adrian was right!” during that Rocky IV ep, but it didn’t stick.

There’s no part of me that wishes to defend Jo in Rounders (assuming that Van was kidding about her making off with the money at the end). Like I obviously get what the defense would be, but as written she was pretty terrible.

They didn’t say the thing I feel is maybe the most likely Teddy hand at the end: air.


What do you feel is the likely hand??

I’m with you on Jo, though I sympathize with her concern for Mike being a degen after he flushed his entire bankroll on one sit. More than that, he said he lost his tuition money. So she’s got every right to be concerned the same as if Mike were a recovering alcoholic and he came home after just one beer.

But then I also just can’t be happy about how she treats him. Like him reading the judges hands and she gets so upset and concerned. I feel her concern but can’t help but see Mike as unfairly judged. Let him have a little fun. Maybe he learned his lesson.

Plus like was what he did really that bad when he lost all that money? It’s a terrible mistake to put his entire roll on the line, but otherwise he was on the books as a very good and very successful player for his stakes. It’s not like he lost the money because he kept taking multiple shots he wasn’t ready to take.

Well, unless you count him sitting with Chan, but he also knew when to fold and when to stack up and walk away to put his entire roll on the line against a Russian mobster…

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I just think he’s reading Mike for weakness, makes a c-bet after the flop with nothing and then ends up firing off three barrels since he’s got position. It doesn’t totally make sense if he’s on the level with “you’re on a draw, Mike?” because there aren’t any good unmade draws on a rainbow flop, so I don’t totally get his thought process, but a three-barrel bluff is the most defensible play.

But it’s possible that he’s just got as many leaks as Mike did in the beginning, in which case pocket aces makes the most sense like they mentioned on the podcast. Unlike Mike, you can reasonably assume that Teddy’s financial position is just fine even when he drops tens of thousands in a session like that, and he isn’t relying on playing poker as a primary source of income.


I would have thought pocket aces, trips, something legitimate. Never would have considered a three barrel bluff lol maybe this is one where the hand you put him on says more about you than the character :grin:


I think people hating on Jo are not putting themselves pre poker boom when poker was seedy and had no future vs a guy in law school. It would have be unrealistic if she was supportive imo.

I was always confused about whether there was any suggestion that Teddy might have cheated when Mike lost his bankroll.

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Ive slways thought that the final hand was supposed to paralell the '88 final hand. Teddy likely had A10 there, flopped top pair and then improved at the end

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Heading to Dune 2 here in 45 mins or so. Hyped.


I’ve thought this is possible, but it most directly ties into the movie’s spotlight on the Chan/Seidel hand.


I’m seeing it on imax on Saturday.

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I just watched the hand again and am now convinced it had to be A10.

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So jealous. Looking forward to your reaction.

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Tubi is just showing off at this point, stunting on all the other streaming services.


In the Rounders ep, Bill actually said something to the effect of Adrian didn’t go to Russia and he still hadn’t forgiven her for that. She fucking did go to Russia*. And he absolutely butchered Famke Jansen’s name, similar to the fucking weird way he says Van Damme. Simmons is terrible jfc

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