Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

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They show people die by exploration and shrapnel too.

Itā€™s a very dumb idea that takes up a huge part of the movie for no reason.

Things the ā€œshieldsā€ donā€™t block

Those heat seeking bullets

Things they do block
Ummm nothing?
Maybe traditional bullets which I donā€™t think are even in the movie.

guys its a movie

The shields are just a kludge so that Herbert could write in a bunch of badass knife fighting sequences.

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I agree that Ledger is the #1 reason why TDK was so good, but I want to add that it was also subversive of the whole super hero genre in how it set up scenarios that the hero or anyone couldnā€™t just punch or shoot their way out of. In almost every single superhero story, and I mean that to include well beyond just Marvel and DC and to include ancient mythology, much sci-fi, etc., the strong hero just isnā€™t quite strong enough in the first encounter with whatever big bad it is in the story, and he needs some combination of a relic, helpers, divine blessing, training, etc., and then he becomes strong enough to beat the big bad with conventional violence. The Jokerā€™s trials, notably the bombed ferries and especially the final standoff where the hostages are dressed as henchmen and the henchmen as hostages, could not just be solved by straightforward violence, and indeed, the Joker was counting on Batman and the police making the conventional choice for his victory. Turning that convention on its head is a big reason why the movie stands out as well.


These are really good points.

I think also that TDK was also the most weā€™d ever seen Batman be Batman. It was awesome to see him need to be a detective and outsmart the villains in every way.

And then there are just so many great set pieces. I adore this scene of Batman jumping off the rooftop to fly to Lauā€™s building.

The opening robbery scene is fantastic on its own, and we can say that itā€™s not due to Ledger because of how minimal he is at that point.

I think the lack of Batman is in large part why TDKR was so disappointing.

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Poor Things

Absolute riot of a film. Even better than his last, which I liked quite a bit. Great writing and even better performances. I really thought at the end they were going to put Godwinā€™s brain in Alfie rather than the goat brain, but I was happy with that too.

My only (very minor) complaints were the Alexandria part somehow felt both underdeveloped and unnecessary. Didnā€™t really like how she gave the money to the sketchy shipworkers rather than finding a way to actually get it to the poor. And I know some people liked the score (it did get nominated for an Oscar), but I found it pretty grating.

Anyway, itā€™s my favorite of the BP nominees so far.

9/10 (very close to giving this a 10)


That line is good, but I will forever be quoting ā€œI must go punch that babyā€.

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I think it was 10/10 and BP worthy

Emma has great appreciation for being given that line too.


Tubi is out there doing real movie nerd stuff:


Iā€™m generally not one who is particularly inclined toward choosing one absolute favorite director, but if I forced myself to pick one from the modern era, I think Fincher would stand a strong chance of being my guy. His batting average is truly ridiculous.

I found Mank to be a dull time, and Iā€™ve never actually given Alien 3 a watch because of the negative consensus around it, but otherwise the consistently high quality is staggering. Even absolute masters like Scorsese donā€™t hit at this high of a rate for me.

Itā€™s unfortunate that he has voluntarily put himself in Netflix jail and that we donā€™t really know if or when weā€™ll ever get another full theatrical release from him, but I still look forward to whatever we get from him going forward.


Ya thatā€™s quite a solid list, saw drive away dolls last night and found it highly entertaining


Alien 3 is def worth a watch. Plenty of opportunity afterward to dig into what the movie was supposed to be.

Yeah, fair enough. Iā€™m overdue for a rewatch of the original two Alien movies (which I loved, particularly the first), so once I do those and am fresh on them I suppose Iā€™ll finally give part three a look.

Unrelated, but triggered in my brain because of the notion of revisiting a franchise: Iā€™m glad that you and others ITT alerted me to the reboot of the Apes franchise after I had understandably left it for dead post-Wahlberg. Rise was pretty great and Dawn was even better. Jason Clarke is usually more naturally cast as a prick of some sort, but he actually pulled off the generically noble protagonist role in Dawn nicely. I havenā€™t seen War yet because it seems like I can only stream that one via FXNOW and I think thatā€™s edited for TV, which is obviously not preferable. But with a new installment coming in May, Iā€™ll get to it one way or another before then.

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Thatā€™s awesome!! Iā€™m glad you like the Apes movies. Iā€™d say Dawn is the high point but War is also very good.

As for Alien, I hope you like part 3. Itā€™s just a shame what could have been, but itā€™s not an outright bad movie imo. Just some stuff thatā€™s frustrating.

Nah, skip Alien 3 and watch Alien: Resurrection instead.

There is an ā€œassembly cutā€ of Alien 3 that improves it quite a bit for me. Removes some shit CG at the end and changes a bunch of other stuff. I like Alien 3 like this even if itā€™s not Alien/Aliens level.

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Thatā€™s funny, an assembly cut is just the script with the circled takes put in order (nothing really creative done).

I think I saw that a loooooonnnnng time ago when I was mega into fan edits. Cool callback, I love stuff like this. Sometimes itā€™s the closest weā€™ll ever get to seeing it.

If youā€™re into stuff like this in general, I highly recommend the YouTube channel Bullets and Blockbusters. Their videos make me feel liked I got to see these cancelled or corrupted projects.

I think I posted one of their videos above.