Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Greg ::


Just wait until you’re 80 minutes in :eyes:


I really like the Gene Siskel rule that a movie should only be made if it would be more interesting than a documentary of the same cast of actors eating dinner together. I can point to a few movies where even a great movie isn’t as interesting as that documentary could have been.

That reaction is the fat part of the bell curve

We would have never gotten Defending Your Life

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Update: at this point you’re very close to getting it right on the nose (said in flat Drew Carey voice).

Honestly any RT prediction I think has a reasonable +/- 5% margin of error and you’re correct if you fall within that, so I’d say you’ve got it at this point either way.


It reminds me a ton of when the Dark Tower came out. The first trailer had me cautiously optimistic. Then the second trailer came out and I went “oh, noooooo” then the embargo fell on the Thursday before release and I knew it was gonna suck. It ended up with a 22 (now at 15, Yikes)

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I’d argue every Albert Brooks movie is an exception

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Ah I see now haha. I liked it.


Question 1: what was with the stuff at night like the metronome and then what happened to her notes that were missing?

2: I guess it’s implied she was sleeping with Francesca at some point?

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1: i think it’s meant to be ambiguous whether these things are her losing it, or if there’s actually some kind of supernatural force messing with her. General tone of the movie (and common sense) might favour the first option, but there’s actually a couple (very spooky!) shots with a visible ghost in the frame (see here on where to find them). Although they might have gone too subtle with these as I doubt many people saw them in real time (i didn’t). And given that all of the movie is more or less at the first person this could also still be in her head.
For the missing notes I also wondered if there was a later explanation that I missed.

Re 2: yes I think that’s implied, although could also be ambiguous.


Just watched a documentary called The Rebellious Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks. What a boss.

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9 to 5 is like Office Space for my parents’ generation, it still slaps. If anything’s it’'s got more cutting satire than Office Space. Dolly Parton is ready to murder a cop at the drop of a hat, I love it. Plus Jane Fonda’s drip is incredible.


Jane Fonda was so hot. Barbarella - ooof.

Lily Tomlin’s style is incredible too, the costume designer was swinging for the fences with this movie. Undeniable swag.



I like that thing where you’re playing trivia or anything else, and you can’t quite come up with the answer, but some rogue part of your brain keeps insisting on something the better-functioning part of your brain knows is wrong. Anyway, I watched All of Us Strangers the other night. Andrew Scott’s father is played by this guy.


My brain immediately cranks into overdrive with, “Is that Christopher Guest? That’s not Christopher Guest. That’s impossible; that’s what he looked like 20 years ago. I’m sure that being married to Jamie Lee Curtis is nice, but I don’t think it confers magical anti-aging powers.” “But seriously, that’s so Christopher Guest. I feel like he’s going to suddenly start naming nuts for us.” More passages of time, more pressure from the rogue part of my brain, rinse and repeat for a while. And I’m in a theater, so I can’t just pick up my damn phone and clear it up, so eventually the smart part of my brain just had to bust out a crowbar and clobber the rogue part and settle on an answer of “not Christopher Guest, trust me you dumbass.” (It’s Jamie Bell.)

It’s a good movie. It disorients you intentionally, but not so thoroughly that you feel full-on lost. The acting is top-notch and the emotional beats are played well. And honestly I think this is the type of movie that will get even better on rewatch. 3.5/5.


Got this on list for hopefully later this week

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I don’t think he looks anything like Christopher Guest. Can you find a picture of Guest that looks anything like this guy?


ISS (2024)

Not bad. Not amazing. A bit of a wasted premise. Super bleak too!

Grade: B

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