Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

I’ve tried twice with Lock Stock and haven’t managed to get through it. Between that and Trainspotting (also didn’t like), I can’t help but suspect that there’s some fundamental disconnect that causes a certain strain of UK humor to miss me.



I’m guessing you don’t have kids :smiley:

Not my favorite Lynch movie either, but you have to appreciate it’s a pretty creative way to represent the anxiety of having to deal with a newborn baby.

(pair this with the omen and the exorcist for a complete 70’s parenting guide from birth to pre-teen years)

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I hope Gosling only targeted white cis males with these knife throws. Can’t stand to see another hero get canceled.

First graders probably shouldn’t be watching Rambo movies.

My take is that Jennifer’s Body blew its FX budget trying to make Amanda Seyfried not look hot

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Watched wrath of khan with Junior, he’s been vaguely aware of Star Trek but never really gotten into it and had basically no exposure to the original cast, his instant review was “I’m hooked “

I said “look, there is a lot of … variability in the original cast movies. The next one is not as good.”

Search for Spock was overall pretty bad but not as awful as I remember (it’s been decades since I’ve seen it) but good god Christopher Lloyd just GETS Klingons. Fucking nailed it. His speech at the beginning about the federation being a bunch of effete west coast libruls was (chefs kiss)

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Oh yeah, a ton of variability. But at least you can also promise that when it’s good, it’s the best you’ve ever seen. Part IV incoming soon, and goddamn do I love Klingon Shakespeare in part 6.

Agree that part 3 isn’t as bad as I always seem to think it is. I may be unusual too in that I enjoyed the hell that out of part 5, but I’d never argue it’s a good movie.

The one that’s always worse than I remember is Insurrection. So bad.

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I will go to the mat to defend the one where they save the whales, that movie is hilarious.

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Yup. I think there are three Trek movies featuring time travel, and they’re all among the best Trek movies.

Recent watches:

Millers crossing - seen it before a long time ago, gf wanted to watch a mob movie so we watched this one, great movie

Thin red line - I saw this when it came out my dad took me and my bro and I woulda been 12, I remember it being way over my head, so wanted to watch it again and see, and was quite good

Prey- dope predator movie

Triangle of sadness - I liked it, especially as things on the ship went to shit

Roma - meh I didn’t feel the greatness here

Blazing saddles - meh as well, some funny gags but mostly I was bored

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horse punch ::


You don’t actually need dramatic tension to make a great movie, you can just have all your favorite characters dick around in San Francisco for a day. Kirk goes on a date, Spock gets thrown out of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, everyone has a fun time.

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Yeah, but nobody ran into a bunch of homeless shitting on the sidewalk and shooting heroin in the street before attempting to stab Spock with his heroin needle.

0/10 what kind of liberal cuck made this?

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Didn’t even think of it as that. Just gave off the vibe of a film student trying to be edgy.

My favorite ST:TNG episode is the one where Riker, Worf, and Data hang out at a casino and have fun for an hour. Almost zero actual story.

Watching tar, should I be hating Lydia 40 mins in?

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I’d say that’s in the acceptable range of reactions, yes.

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