Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

Trusting Emma Stone right now seems like the correct play. Shes pretty masterful as an actor.

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Yeah, I mean Iā€™ve already booked a ticket to the very first showing I can get into at my local theater. Thereā€™s been no consideration of giving it a miss no matter how underwhelmed I am by the trailer.


I never give any importance to trailers and usually avoid them. Yorgos has made a lot of other interesting and often great films so that is all I need.

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Article has lots of links and reviews. Or just the video is on YouTube.

Hot take: Part 2 does have what I consider to be the best theme in the series. Yeah you heard me Axel F, you arent number 1

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This song is so silly, but it hits the nostalgia button hard.

I think the trailer looks like a good blend of modern action with the humor we expect from Murphy.

Eddie has made shockingly little good stuff tho since he was in Mulan and Shrek. I didnā€™t even think Beverly Hills Cop of any number was very good. His collaborations with Johnathan Landis gave us Coming to America and Trading Placesā€“two stone cold classics. But Landis and Murphy also gave us Beverly Hills Cop III.

Coming 2 America was BAD, and holy shit if you just watch the trailer for Candy Cane Lane.

Itā€™s strange to say but I believe Murphy is a titan of talent with only a few good movies.

Iā€™m in the small percentage who enjoys The Distinguished Gentleman.

But I agree that his talent way outpaces his catalog. Still, Iā€™m sympathetic to him on what was a really long feud with SNL over David Spade taking a Weekend Update potshot at Eddieā€™s floundering career after Eddie was the one who just about single-handedly kept the show afloat in the early 80s (before it had reached its permanently uncancellable status of today).

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Did I play myself? I meant this one.


Lol! Yup as well as Boomerang. Really good. I even saw A Vampire in Brooklyn, tho by then I was really tired of Eddieā€™s one accent.

Youā€™re 100% correct of course about what he did to save SNL. Some of his skits are still among the best of all time.

But manā€¦his catalog is a testament to his talent because anyone else would not continue to have the same draw.

On the other hand, I adore Eddie in recent interviews. He sounds like heā€™s found the key to serenity.

Barbie releases on MAX tomorrow. I am excited.

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Axel F is a great jam. I remember loving hearing it on the radio when I had no idea what Beverly Hills Cop was. Eventually I learned to play it on the piano.


I played Axel F in a piano recital when I was a kid.


This is the one me and my buddy laugh about the most

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Lol! Thatā€™s cool. I played Sealā€™s ā€œKiss from a Roseā€ for one of my piano recitals. Hooray to instructors who let us jam the good stuff in-between Chopin.

The Best of SNL Eddie Murphy VHS was a frequent rental for me as a kid, and itā€™s just full of gold. That James Brown sketch was on it. So was this:


I forgot about that one.

I canā€™t find it, another of my favorites is the album of pop song covers by Buckwheat.

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Wookin pa nub

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The original movie is BRUTAL to watch. Canā€™t wait for the remake :smiley:

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Remaking 2 year old movies now?