Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 2)

We watched that too after watching the doc. Underwhelming for sure.

If you have any love for early Brendan Frasier I say give The Scout a try

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Seconded. The Scout is great.

I listened to The Rewatchables episode on Flight. They’re right, this movie absolutely slaps. The crash scene shows how great a filmmaker Zemeckis is.

Finally saw saltburn and based on the twitter hype i was expecting a john waters type supershock film but it’s just a regular nice little movie

4 bags of popcorn. LOVE the house. I’d KILL to live in that house


Just slogged thru FOE. Bleh. The twist(s) are not hard to foresee with very little payoff.

Lots of things just don’t make any sense. Like the reasons for everything. Fine actors but Yeesh the story.

Only reason I finished is that I had two hours of airport time to kill.

Continuing the discussion from Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1):

This was a lot of fun. Not just me saying that - near universally great reviews.

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Yeah, I really enjoyed it.


I approve of Steve Martin getting the treatment Albert Brooks got a few months ago.

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Guy Ritchie? Check
Jerry Bruckheimer? Check
Henry Cavill? Check
Killing Nazis? Check


We watched this a couple weeks ago and I give it a hearty recommendation. Good fun. Jamie Foxx is a riot.

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Watched The Zone of Interest. It worked for me quite a bit better than Under the Skin did, and I did form an objective appreciation for it despite it being a film that is near impossible to conventionally enjoy.

There are films where it feels important for a viewer to avoid spoilers before first viewing, but this one exists on nearly the opposite pole. I surely appreciated this more for the knowledge I had of it in advance, that I knew not to expect any sort of strong narrative to drive the film, and to instead just take it in from the first minute as a work where I should be trying to explore everything in the shots and to keep my ears pricked to take in a vivid aural experience. On those points, the film absolutely delivers; it’s beautifully shot, and the soundscape was compelling. If you’re looking for a good story then you’re not going to get it, and that’s something better accepted up front than midway through.

For the reasons that I’ve said, it defies easy rating or ranking. It feels deserving of having made the Best Picture field, but again it just sort of feels like it’s operating in a lane all its own…so I’ll keep it simple and say that I wouldn’t vote for it to win, but that it feels like its awards nominations are well-earned.


Going to see it Sunday night I think late, didn’t make it to see holdovers yet

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I’m not sure what that was trying to be, but it didn’t hit the mark. The big “reveal” wasn’t anything special, and what came before it wasn’t very intriguing. Maybe I wasn’t in the right mood for it, or maybe my expectations were too high coming off Promising Young Woman.

I don’t rule out the possibility that a rewatch would change my mind, but I don’t feel like doing that anytime soon.

Music fucking slapped though.



I rewatch all sorts of things, even things I didn’t much like the first time, but I feel supremely confident that Saltburn wouldn’t get better for me on second go. It seems to have conjured up a bunch of buzz just by being faux-provocative.

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I didn’t bother watching all of this. I rarely bail on films but this was not worth my time.


The opening submarine sequence for Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning is perfect, but the rest of the movie was just okay. I think the peak of MI in hindsight will be the moment Tom Cruise shorted a jump and broke his foot.

Argyle looked semi-interesting. Jeremy Jahns says no.

I had talked myself into caving despite my annoyance with the oversaturation of the trailer and giving it a try, but this initial reaction (beyond just Jahns, but I watched that earlier too) is probably going to keep me away. 2 hours and 20 minutes with what feels like a ceiling of “that was okay” is a bit above my tolerance to try a movie out.

Yep, seems like its too long, for a pseudo-action/comedy, I think 1:50 should really be the ceiling, unless its exceptional in some way. Spy was 2:10 but totally made it work