Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)


Finally saw Top Gun Maverick. As a 14 year old boy when the original came out this hit all the right notes for me. Maybe a little long.

I am introducing a complimentary rating system to bags of popcorn. I give it 4.5 pickles. That there is no pickle emoji takes the shine off a bit, though.


I don’t have Shudder so would very much appreciate your review if you watch Broadcast Social Intrusion

In the late 90s, a video archivist unearths a series of sinister pirate broadcasts and becomes obsessed with uncovering the dark conspiracy behind them.

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Scare Me with Aya Cash

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Looks like it could be fun. Filmed in Atlanta.

Get well, Jamie Foxx.

I just joined the small elite club of people who have watched The Angriest Man in Brooklyn.

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Scrolling through Amazon Prime movies today. There was a category for Celebrate Father’s Day. I just had to laugh when I saw Manchester by the Sea listed under that…


I had complete authority to pick a movie last night, and I was waffling between two:

  • The Irishman: a movie that I’ve theoretically been excited to watch since it came out, but still haven’t.
  • Almost Famous: a movie that I’ve seen and loved, and have been jonesing for a rewatch

I chose Almost Famous because I thought the kids had a chance of enjoying it. 2 of the 3 (plus my wife!) thought it was boring, but I loved it again. An already good story with great performances, dialed up to 11 with a perfect soundtrack. Just an immensely satisfying rewatch.

The Irishman remains the “Infinite Jest” of movies for me. I am convinced that I want to consume it, but revealed preferences point to me lying to myself.

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Guessing that was still the right choice.

Watching The Irishman with kids sounds like a bad idea in most cases. It’s like 4 hours long and I don’t think that subject matter is going to capture the attention of most kids/teens.

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Oh I definitely made the right choice. Maybe I need to resign myself to the fact that I have to consume The Irishman over 2-3 nights instead of holding on to the belief that I’m ever going to have 3 1/2 hours of uninterrupted time where I won’t want to do anything but watch The Irishman.


I find it so hard to understand how someone could find Almost Famous boring. :disappointed:

I thought it was pretty dull when I saw it when it was new. The longstanding raves about it have always confused me, but I haven’t revisited it.

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Yeah that was definitely a choice of 2:3 vs 0:3 lol

What are they going to pick in retaliation?

Fam and I started Titanic too late last night. Got to the interstitial before the final night and had to give up. Despite fairly dated looking CG, the movie still holds pretty well, and Billy Zane always gets all the bags of popcorn from me.

I don’t think they’re looking to retaliate - it was just a Father’s Day choice. Although we’re currently making our way through the TV show Manifest, which is its own special form of torture. That show is ttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiibbbbbbbbbbbbbbllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeee.

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Give up and watch Beef instead. We really enjoyed it

It is out of my control. My family has decided that we must finish it.

Manifest? I think I watched a season of that. Is it still on? You have my apologies.

We’re only a bit more than halfway through the first season. Bad times, man.