Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Not when they entertain the faking of the moon landing and who knows what other lunacy

Noted. I’ll make sure not to hope for such friendly discussion with you in the future :+1:

Not on Room 237 anyway lol

So The Game was all in Michael Douglas’ head? Is that where we’re going with this?

Film analysis can be fun, sure, just not when some conspiretad wannabe Gene Siskel authors it. Forgive me

I’m talking only about Room 237, not any other analysis

Hyped for Oppenheimer

You are the caretaker. You’ve always been the caretaker.


No, I think the movie makes it super clear that it’s really happening (as far as I remember). The ambiguity in The Game is that all the dramatic tension comes from the audience identifying with the main character’s anxiety about not knowing how much of what’s happening to him is really dangerous or just part of The Game. The movie probably would be more effective if that wasn’t all yanked from the audience at the last minute with a big HA HA GOTCHA moment.

Watching Midnight Run now because Bill Simmons talks about it pretty much every Rewatchables. I saw this movie once at the drive in when it came out. I think it was a double feature with Die Hard. That was a good bill.

But at the end Grodin gives him a bunch of $1000 bills. WTF? How is he going to unload those? They went out of circulation in 1969.

Also he never noticed the money belt?

And some of the awareness was ridiculous. I’d have noticed the goons sneaking up behind me in Amarillo, and the FBI guys all over the airport, even if I didn’t have reason to be suspicious.

Past Lives was very good and very sad

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I enjoyed Midnight Run a lot. It was also the first time a lot of people saw DeNiro in a comedy.

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Yeah it picked up a lot in the 2nd half.

Okay let’s put Ink (2009) on the watch plate. This looks weird as hell and creepy af.

Invisible forces exert power over us in our sleep. A mercenary named Ink, on a literal nightmare mission, captures the spirit of 8-year-old Emma in the dream world. To save her, the dream-givers marshal all their resources, focusing on saving the soul of Emma’s tragically broken father.

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No Hard Feelings was ok. Not great but passable. A few good laughs. Has a weird scene of Lawrence totally nude but that’s the only thing making it R rated. Otherwise it is very tame for a “raunchy” comedy.

Yeah, so weird. So weird. Gross, really, as I will tell my wife.


If you see the movie I think you’ll agree it’s oddly out of place in the movie.

Ryan Gosling

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Ryan Gosling understood his assignment perfectly, the Barbie movie is going to own so hard.


Watched this earlier on Netflix. I hadn’t seen it before. It was an ok popcorn flick that didn’t take itself seriously, which is good because the premise and plot resolution didn’t really work. Kinda like The Game except self-aware I guess. Directed by and co-starring some cancelled dudes.


If any of y’all aren’t yet hyped af for Barbie…

Everything You Don’t Know About The Barbie Movie

We’re gonna cover a lot of topics, so here’s your TOC. Make sure to read the Streamberry fine print!

  • Is The Barbie Movie Secretly A Sequel To The Matrix?
  • Will Ferrell: the Architect of capitalism and all that is evil
  • The 2003 MTV Movie Awards
  • The hero’s arc doesn’t require Barbie to be “The One”
  • PS. Ken gets his own “Matrix” arc too
  • Every other Barbie (and Ken — and Allan!) you can expect to see
  • Barbies you WON’T see
  • Early reactions to Barbie
  • What other movies does Barbie reference?
  • The music of Barbie
  • While I’ve got your attention, please find a screening near you of Black Barbie: A Documentary
  • Easter Egg Barbie

This movie better break $1 billion.