Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

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dlk9s jr is pooping himself over this

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Rachel is perfect for Lois Lane. Would have been interesting with Emma Mackey but she’s busy in Barbie.

No idea who the other guy is for Superman lol but that’s tradition to cast a great but relatively unknown actor.

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Original bad news bears tonight

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You know what, Jamelle is right. I overlooked this Jimmy Stewart Western collection because it seemed so old-fashioned, but sometimes it’s great to just get high and watch a grandpa movie. They all look incredible.

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Love Jimmy, but I couldn’t get into The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, and it caused me to dismiss the notion of him in westerns since I think that’s the one of his with the best rep.

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The Big Picture’s Harrison Ford Hall of Fame episode just dropped. Should be fun.

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Strategic Air Command is just a love letter to vehicles: big-ass Stratofortresses, big red firetrucks, cars, the whole movie is an excuse to show you these amazing vehicles. And Jimmy Stewart is in it too, he is always great. And the performances by the aircraft are great too, I almost thought that DC-3 really was on fire.

I know it’s literal military propaganda, but some of these shots are incredible.

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Some of those shats in the aviator

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What the fuck King’s X rules so hard.

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Golden rules and Sunday schools … rock n roller, spiritual give me those days. But then ’ time stands us still’

And I I I want to see! Breaks a heart

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This is cool for a different perspective, and there are some live versions of this track within full concerts that don’t incorporate that fuzzbox or watever on the vocal, and dUg kills it like always. These guy will capture the Beatles in moments and in a most genuine way. Believe it!

Back to movies! Sry for the derail

Who’s ready for Oppenheimer?

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Yeah “Bend of the river” is my favourite but these Mann/Stewart westerns are all good, and also quite different from one another, so it makes sense to watch them all.
(No idea about their non-western ones, if you try them let me know if they’re worth it! edit: should have looked a few posts below to see that answered, sorry :slight_smile: )

Unless there’s some weird element to the premise or execution they’ve kept completely under wraps, I am just as hyped for this as I was for Dunkirk (still never seen).


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