Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

I’m curious to see it. I don’t know a thing really about the director, but the potential to deal with fear in a profound way is there

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Still not sure why we should be hyped about either a feature-length toy commercial or another overly serious / philosophy 101 borefest from Nolan…

Have you all forgotten that real movies have Tom Cruise in them ? MI:7 drops in 2 weeks, and that’s where all the hype should be. See you at the movies ! :small_airplane:


So Mel Brooks is 97 today. Don’t watch any clips of his movies or interviews. You’ll lose the entire day.


The potential, yes, but if it’s straight history like Dunkirk, Nolan is not gonna deliver anything but a big budget niche movie again.

We know what happened from end to end of the Manhattan Project. It has been adapted into endless movies, TV shows, docs, books, on and on.

What will Nolan add that doesn’t feel effective but redundant? Even Matt Damon’s performance in the trailer is a pastiche of his other Not Good historical roles.

Hoping for the best but I think Chris is a great director whose best movies were based on his brother’s scripts.

Yeah the new MI is my clear cut favorite for summer movies. I’ll watch Oppenheimer but I doubt I’ll see it in theaters.



I have IMAX tickets for oppenheimer on two separate nights. For me the bottom line is that nolan is one of the most exciting directors of our lifetime; he stubs his toe in some goofy spots but in terms of cinema his peaks are bananas and at this point I’d watch him film the phonebook. I thought Dunkirk was great. Granted it’s tonally different from the docking scene in Interstellar or the escherings in Inception or two dozen other scenes we all know, but if some unknown director had dropped Dunkirk everyone would have lost their minds at how gorgeous and fresh and tasteful it was. A tasteful spectacle, how great is that? Especially lately.

Can’t wait for Oppenheimer. I’ve been dragging my heels with new films since the pandemic (I used to make a point of seeing at least 50 new releases/year and sometimes saw 100, but lately idk what’s going on, it’s like my energy for new movies got poofed away by Thanos and his jazzy snap and his dumbass chin that looks like it was sculpted by richard dreyfuss in mashed potatoes). Headed into this year the three movies I was most pumped to see were Spiderverse 2, Oppenheimer, and Dune 2—so far so good! For me there is more legit creativity and heart in any three minutes of either spiderverse movie than there are in any three other MCU movies. Well ok that’s not totally true, the top-top shelf of MCU is dynamite, but for me there are only a few of those and you know what I mean.



Saw this was coming today on the netflix previews. Super excited, AG was one of my favorite shows growing up, and they have interviews with a lot of the OG cast.

Hopefully they interview Wesley “Two Scoops” Berry


Watching Dead Reckoning and Oppenheimer back to back in IMAX to see if I can’t liquify my own skeleton

Going to have to sit in a decompression chamber after just to make sure I don’t get the bends emerging into the regular world after

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I was always convinced that I could’ve won the event where the gladiator is shooting the tennis ball gatling gun.

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Absolutely not.

Here’s Mark Rober trying it against Nitro while riding a go-kart and still getting decimated

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I believed it. 🫣

Bringing Out the Dead, hmmm maybe a 7.5/10. Nice movie that I don’t see mentioned or talked about much at all.

Didn’t know this was a Scorsese movie, I haven’t seen all of his stuff but I wouldn’t have guessed it was if I didn’t know. Got a very dark, chaotic, drug fueled nightmare feel to it that I dug. Nice cast of characters, Cage is excellent, all of his paramedic partners are good, the cop at the ER is great. Could have maybe done without the lame looking ghost stuff.

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Big Picture exchange.

Sean: “We come now to Temple of Doom, a movie that’s been catching a lot of strays on the Ringer network recently…”
Amanda: “It’s about to catch another one.”
Sean: “So, just…no? It’s out?”
Amanda: “Yes.”
Sean: “I mean…I don’t think Harrison Ford was very good in this movie.”
CR (mumbling): “He was better in Crystal Skull.”

Holy shit.


I love discovering this apparently non-negligible corner of the internet that hates this movie. I always thought I was some fringe truther wandering around the wilderness while everyone else happily enjoyed the whole original trilogy.

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I mentioned Perfect Blue to some horror nerd buddies and they were all like 'Yeah, that movie slaps," so I’m re-upping my recommendation, even if anime isn’t your thing.

Just got opening night tickets for Oppenheimer in 70MM IMAX!





Firing up Men in Black for the first time.