Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Texas would be Oppenheimer all the way

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letā€™s take the small victory. may the barbie fascination flourish

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Texas is 1,000% Barbie territory.


I think the Hanford Nuclear Reservation has gotta push Washington into Oppenheimer territory.

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Bears. Beats. Barbie.


Firing up Men in Black for the first time.


Honestly it was pretty much what I expected, which is why I waited more than 25 years to watch it. I laughed hard once. I laughed a little another time. I think thatā€™s my whole laugh log. It was okay I suppose, but I canā€™t imagine a scenario where I will ever watch it again.


Though I will say that as crappy Will Smith movie theme songs go, MIB >>> Wild Wild West.

Part 3 is awesome tho to skip right to it and witness Josh Brolin doing his best Tommy Lee Jones performance

The new hotness slapness

Thatā€¦is a surprisingly enticing trailer, honestly.

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Itā€™s actually really good!!


I think Iā€™ll wait until its streaming. Iā€™d rather watch a 3 hour movie 1 hour at a time over three days. But we might end up going, Oppenheimer is my wifeā€™s favorite scientist (yes, I live in a nerd marriage where we have favorite scientists, lol).

You just killed a bit of Nolanā€a soul. Lol

This is kind of what I was expecting but didnā€™t want to taint your experience. We put it on as a family movie not long ago and everyone thought it was a dud, even though my wife and I both had fond memories of it.

Fine, Iā€™ll bite. Whoā€™s yours?

gotta be Elizur Wright

Iā€™m putting a dime on Lord Kelvin with a safety on Marie Curie

@mosdefā€™swife Hereā€™s Oppenheimer singing a John Donne sonnet the night before the first test from Doctor Atomic by John Adams:

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Yeah, I didnā€™t go into it with overly high hopes. As much as anything it was ā€œhereā€™s a movie on the watch list that has a short enough runtime to easily knock the whole thing out before I go to bed.ā€ Only thing that maybe surprised me a little is that Tommy Lee Jones brought very little to this role. He fits the role fine obviously, but usually I find him very endearing in his own specific Tommy Lee Jones way, and it just felt like you could have plugged 50 different actors into this role and basically gotten the exact same outing.