Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

C’mon. No contest.

So with the sub sinking I did get bit by the Titanic bug, been reading the wiki, watching documentaries on it and went back and watch the movie and I’m sad to report to my younger self that, no actually the movie is good.

I know I’ve harped on it before but damn just using practical effects is the movie. Now days the sinking would be 100% shot in front of a green screen, would somehow cost as much, and be terrible. There’s something about seeing a huge actual physical ship half sunk in water with hundreds of actual people running around it that just really makes it have so much gravitas.


Yeah the last hour or so when the boat is sinkining is incredible. The Rose/Jack story is a bit thin (i just met you and now I LOVE you! Type thing) but acted well.

Billy Zane is a cut above (as always) as an irredemable scumbag, and aside from some pretty aged computer effects, the movie is just very very entertaining

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I do hope that after recent events James Cameron drops all this Avatar nonsense and moves forward to Titanic 2.


Too late






Felt like Rose and Jack were supposed to be quite young. There was nothing deep and meaningful about their romance, but it didn’t feel like the lightning-fast pace of it was any real stretch, especially given Rose’s background and resulting desperation to find something even resembling real.


Maybe they’re actually Golden Retrievers?

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No, not a stretch. Its very much in the Romeo and Juliet vein, just a little weak. Not offensive at all. For that type of story its entertaining and takes a few risks, the “Paint me like your french girls” scene being one with the added suspense of Billy Zane possibly coming back any moment.

Ive learned a bit about Cameron since this whole sub thing started. Never knew he wasnt trained in film or writing (aside from a small stint as an English major he dropped out of) and drove trucks for a living before seeing Star Wars and wanting in the industry. Such a normal dude going on to have the best directing record of all time (Hitchcock could contend, but only on artistic merit, not on monetary success) is pretty incredible.

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I mean, Leo certainly was

Lol wasn’t the climax of Avatar 2 close enough? What is left to innovate about sinking boats :crazy_face:

Little known Titanic facts:

  1. James Cameron is the actual artist behind the Rose portrait; HANDS

  1. the artist singing the haunting non-lyric version of My Heart Will Go On as Rose spreads her arms and says “I’m flying Jack” is often mistaken for Enya but is actually Norwegian singer Sissel Kyrkjebø
  1. James Cameron intended Enya to compose the soundtrack, but she declined, leading to him asking James Horner

  2. James Cameron did not want a song with lyrics to play over the credits, but James Horner wrote My Heart Will Go On and recorded it with Celine Dion anyway, then showed it to Cameron and let the results speak for themselves

  1. the OTHER song that just didn’t make the soundtrack cut was by Christian singer Michael W Smith with “In My Arms Again,” a really good song that fit well in his ouvre of prior works like “Place in This World”

(his other stuff really was uniquely good among christian rock music)


I remember an interview with him where he talked about how his life is far more about conservation and preservation activism, alongside his enduring passion for all things aquatic.

But he’s equally passionate about being a storyteller, and he makes movies because they sometimes empower him to unify all of those ambitions in a single project.

He wasn’t sure whether he wanted to make Avatar 2 because he knew if he did, it was a decision between building one final conservation project as epic as the Avatar series now is vs using those movies to fulfill similar goals while also advancing the film industry one last time.

Great episode, although quite dangerous to be listening to it on the treadmill.

Here’s the clip of Harrison Ford watching a David Blaine magic trick:

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I really want to know how this works. Youtube comments are all over the place but some sound plausible.

Yeah but how did he get Ford to think exactly the 9 of hearts?

Definitely a good episode. Having seen Random Hearts when it was new: no idea what Sean’s fascination is there. It sucked.

People are also way too nice to Air Force One. Garbage movie. The quintessential movie that sympathizers would call “entertaining.”

okay so he exchanged all the fruit in harrison ford’s house with prop fruit. that’s possible because harrison ford is famously high as fuck all the time. he’s super high in that video i’m sure of it. but how the hell does he know about the 9 of hearts??

I’m not sure but I’ve seen other tricks where a mentalist forces or seems to force the volunteer to think of a particular image or card.

He’s got to have multiple outs if Ford thinks of something else.