Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Maybe it’s Ford’s trick.

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Air Force One slander ITT

Get off my plane


RIght at the beginning Blaine is holding the cards and tries to fan them out and get Ford to pick a card. That is often the point when mentalists try to “force” you to select a card of their choosing, but I’m not an expert by any means. There are ultra basic techniques like making one card more prominent than the others, but Blaine is awfully good and may have more surefire ways to do it.

Of course the ultimate way to guarntee this trick works is to do it dozens of times and only put the successful one up on YouTube. That’s a meta trick.

The best scientist is Darwin. /thread.



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I’ve been watching This Is The End over the last two nights. Weird movie—a few really funny moments wrapped in long stretches of nonsense. Is it me who’s out of touch?


Its a force, there are a ton of different tricks magicians use to get people to choose a specific something.

I mean, if you don’t like absurd, over the top, gross-out humor, then it’s not for you. I, personally, thought the movie was hilarious.


Listening to The Rewatchables episode of This Is The End (which is what prompted me to watch the movie in the first place), I’m like, “Yeah, that was pretty funny. Oh yeah, that part was really funny, too.” Over and over again. So now I feel like watching it again.

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Recent movies I’ve watched so I could listen to the Rewatchables:

Say Anything: Totally different movie seeing as an adult. The stuff with the Dad was really poignant. John Mahoney is a great actor. The scene with the guys sitting outside 7-11 still delivered. “Oh man - dissing you in the Malibu!” A bunch of high school kids being responsible for each other’s keys was just put in to make adults happy. I did like how they captured that after-graduation party where none of the high school BS matters anymore and everyone is just comparing notes on how it went.

Vision Quest: Just lol lol lol at him being 6% body fat before he even gets within 10 lbs of his weight. He should look like a bulging mass of muscles and veins. Michael DeMichelle approves. Also Modine doesn’t seem to be remotely built like a wrestler to me. Are there lanky wrestlers? Seeing Shute again was awesome. Dude is way up there in the pantheon of badass intimidating sports overdogs. Best line from the Rewatchables (when Modine and his Dad meet meet Linda Fiorentino): “Dad can we keep her?”

Last Crusade: entertained as I remembered it. I actually got a little bored at some of the chase scenes though. Also when they throw the Nazi out of the blimp and he lands on the bags, then the blimp takes off, WHY DID IT TAKE OFF WITHOUT THE BAGS? WTF The whole blimp derail was amazing, especially when Craig looked up that blimps only go 150 miles a day.

Proof of Life: very entertaining. Caruso is amazing. This movie made me want to see South America so bad. Also the scene where he gets kidnapped ran through my mind constantly when I was driving through Central America.

Tommy Boy: still funny. “What’d you do?” when Spade rips off the car door remains my favorite line that I still use constantly. Also I can’t count the number of times I’ve looked out my window and seen a gorgeous woman just get naked in full view of the entire hotel.

Halloween: for the LOVE OF GOD stop putting the knife down every time you give him an owie. I didn’t realize Carpenter wrote the score himself to save money. Let’s just crank out one of the most iconic movie scores of all time in a couple weeks on my Casio keyboard. Watching that movie now I could totally hear the Carpenter music, and see the Carpenter style of shooting. It made it a more interesting experience. Also the first time I’ve seen it on a wide screen maybe ever.

I wish they’d do National Treasure. I always get sucked into that movie when it’s on. History nerdiness + high stakes action. What’s not to love?

I’m watching The Player now. Already cracking up.



Say Anything was a first-time watch for me within the past year. Thought it was really strong, and ditto the appreciation for John Mahoney.

Oscars giving Michael Caine Best Supporting Actor as a lifetime achievement award around 2000 for his very basic part in The Cider House Rules has forever boggled the mind. I don’t readily know of another example of the single weakest candidate in a category shipping it.

And I did like that movie pretty well, and Caine is always enjoyable. But c’mon.

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Bohemian Rhapsody winning for Best Editing:


Tommy Lee Jones for The Fugitive in 1994.

He was up against Leo DiCaprio (What’s Eating Gilbert Grape), Ralph Fiennes (Schindler’s List), John Malkovich (In the Line of Fire), and Pete Postlethwaite (In the Name of the Father). Not nominated was Val Kilmer (Tombstone).

Tommy Lee Jones is a fine actor, but there was nothing about his role in that movie (a movie which I very much enjoyed) that was worthy of an Oscar.


Hmm. I’ve really gotta see The Fugitive again. I loved it, and remember loving Tommy Lee Jones in it, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it was a great performance. He’s definitely one who can just carry a movie with charisma. I’m guessing you’re right about this.

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