Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

Happily, I have the opposite of a sharp eye for this stuff, so I just sort of sat back and blissfully enjoyed Bohemian Rhapsody regardless of its flaws.

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New Indiana Jones movie surprisingly good. Mostly coherent story, hit the right nostalgia spots, and the Phoebe Waller Bridge character is dope.


Yeah, he was good. Heā€™s Tommy Lee Jones. And the movie is good. It just wasnā€™t a performance where I thought, ā€œWow.ā€ It was just a good job by a good actor.


Agreed. I enjoyed it. But I did watch a video on the editing and I certainly see peopleā€™s complaints.

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Raise the Oscar winner for Best Makeup and Hairstyling at 89th Academy Awards: Suicide Squad

Which is not quite as bad as the movie winning for editing but HOLY SHIT SUICIDE SQUAD HAS AN OSCAR and itā€™s not even the good Suicide Squad movie

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We need to quash this Barbie/Oppenheimer beef. Too many people have been hurt.


Did you happen to catch this? I thought it was just OK, a little disappointing actually

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Did it have Hitler on Ice?

The Fugitive wasnā€™t even his best performance that year, it was Cobb imo

In the prologue he said he specifically told them no Hitler but there was a tiny bit of Hitler


I was promised Hitler on Ice at the end of History of the World Part I.

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Watching Talented Mr. Ripley. I think Iā€™m 3 Rewatchables movies in a row with Philip Baker Hall suddenly appearing.

If Talented Mr. Ripley isnā€™t the best script of all time, itā€™s very very close. The way it just builds and builds and spirals out of control at an incrementally perfect pace. Thereā€™s so much nuance. So many unsaid plot twists. So much communicated just by a look. Incredible acting by everyone involved.

The whole ā€“ man gaslighting a woman and other men reflexively siding with him over her is way ahead of its time. You know who never logic-ed themselves into ā€œwell akshually a thriving free market in children makes perfect sense when you really think about itā€? Any woman ever.

Iā€™m scooping booty now. Going in for The Shining. I canā€™t do horror unless Iā€™m lit up.

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I really enjoy Analyze This and have watched it many times.

But thereā€™s this moment where Chazz Palminterini says, ā€œGet a dictionary. Find out what this ā€˜closureā€™ thing is. If thatā€™s what heā€™s going to hit us with, I want to be ready.ā€ Itā€™s like somebody much dumber than the director staged a hostile takeover and inserted the dumbest improv take possible, one that had long since been placed on the cutting-room floor. It was like Cliff Clavin sneaking his own bad joke into the middle of a Carson monologue.

But anyway, good scene if you ignore that part, good movie.

Is there an effective difference between UHD and HD on Prime? I canā€™t seem to tell any. But I havenā€™t rented the same movie in both to test.

I rented Say Anything in UHD and it looked super grainy. I wonder if UHD can actually make old movies worse?

I have this TV:

Naturally I now scroll down to the comments section and find that these are the first comments.


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One of my all time favorite gifs, havenā€™t seen this one in a while :heart:

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Itā€™s also one of the best hangover scenes in history. I can feel Willardā€™s nausea as he zooms in on the shrimp while Kurtz goes on about the slug, very well-observed moment

and everyoneā€™s desire to be God, should certain variables errr

You are the caretaker. Youā€™ve always been the caretaker.