Movies (and occasionally face slaps) (Part 1)

risky, u in?


I’m mashing the button then.

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Scatman goat ainec

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I’ll join.

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The movie is called THE GAME. If he ends up just killing himself, it undermines the whole premise. It must end with things going back to normal.

Danny boyee!

In the book, Mr. Ullman was a miserable asshole. It’s no great crime to shift gears on that when adapting, but I’m always curious as to why Kubrick went exactly opposite of that here.

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hedge maze >>>> topiary

I’m trying to get up the nerve to convince my film club to watch Q: The Winged Serpent starring my dudes David Carradine and Richard Roundtree rocking it about as hard as dudes have ever rocked it. Of course it’s on the Tubi, where else will you find gems like this?

Unbelievable levels of dudes rocking it.



Just watched Morocco and now I am going to yell about it to everyone who gets upset about drag shows… MFers, Marlene Dietrich was rocking a tuxedo and kissing a woman in the 1930 and straight people continued to exist, so clearly there is no level of drag swag that can turn everyone gay.


Completely right imo. Incredibly rare to have a movie ruined by its ending instead of its overall 3rd act but they pulled it off here. TF was that? Pretty sure I saw it in the theaters at 21 and more or less had those thoughts.

Counterpoint: Jack Lemon in drag in Some Like it Hot definitely turned at least one guy gay, but back in the good ol’ conservative days of the Nineteen Fifties, when women were women and men were men dressed up as women, that was considered “hilarious” rather than “grooming.”


I missed it!! Been watching VSauce videos. Dang that channel has been killing it for a decade?!!

This has an AI voice so isn’t for everyone, but I like AI voices: the Wendy Theory

And the Wendy Theory is so damn bonkers and yet makes so much sense that any fan of the movie needs to watch this brief breakdown.

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The Hollywood Codes basically set pop culture back decades, I encourage everyone to seek out the pre-code hits. There are brown people and interracial relations and Marlene Dietrich cross-dresses and kisses a chick full on the lips, things were wild before the censors cracked down.

+1 to Morocco.

Pre-Code Hollywood

As a result, some films in the late 1920s and early 1930s depicted or implied sexual innuendo, romantic and sexual relationships between white and black people, mild profanity, illegal drug use, promiscuity, prostitution, infidelity, abortion, intense violence, and homosexuality. Nefarious characters were seen to profit from their deeds, in some cases without significant repercussions. For example, gangsters in films such as The Public Enemy , Little Caesar , and Scarface were seen by many as heroic rather than evil. Strong female characters were ubiquitous in such pre-Code films as Female , Baby Face , and Red-Headed Woman . Along with featuring stronger female characters, movies examined female subject matters that would not be revisited until decades later in US films.[2][3]

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lol I had a bit of curiosity for Room 237, but holy lord. dumb

why mess with perfection? nice half-assed gumshoe appraisal of some hidden meaning

In the RKO film Christopher Strong , Katharine Hepburn plays an aviator who becomes pregnant from an affair with a married man. She commits suicide by flying her plane directly upwards until she breaks the world altitude record, at which point she takes off her oxygen mask and plummets to earth.[182]

Just an incredible era of human creativity, these pre-code movies whip.

The look Jack gives after insisting to the dumbfounded butler that the butler murdered his family always slays me.


I think this is right. A similar movie where there is ambiguity about whether what is happening to the main character is “real” or is a “game” is Total Recall. And Total Recall is a great movie in part because they actually leave it ambiguous as to whether the events of the film actually happened or not.

Just the way they’re stood opposite one another in that garish bathroom

Sorry to hear that, I thought it was a chance to connect over a fun fan theory I enjoy

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