Moved Thread - The liberals here

I think it got deleted.

Same. I got in a frustrating argument with @Vict0ar a while back so I stopped engaging, but more recent stuff I have seen has been good. He certainly deserves credit for that.


I think you mostly have that backwards. A fair number of people don’t care about a tempban, especially trolls. Hardly anyone is indifferent to their reputation.

That is correct, I did not know that, nor did I know that info about Goebs, thank you for enlightening me.

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I don’t see any deleted posts from him.

IIRC, Victor created a thread called something like “This POS needs to be permabanned”

I thought so to unless I am going nuts.

I’ll assume you’re right. I can probably find deleted threads somewhere, but I gotta go.

I’ll look later.

This is true and it’s a good point, but nevertheless the best time for him to consider it is away from this forum on a 1 day ban, just as if he’d made a direct personal attack.

Ok, that’s trolling (wookie and/or skydiver). It’d be better if you didn’t do that.

But regarding @LikeClockwork … maybe.

Goebs, what do you think?

I gotta run. If another mod wants to ban, that’s up to them. I’ll look at this later.

  1. I appreciate @Vict0ar’s efforts toward more amicable posting, and respect his politics. I’m glad he’s here.
  2. I’d guess that @LikeClockwork was eager to fire off a resentment-filled potshot based on Vict0ar’s past posting, and maybe didn’t stop to think how inappropriate the context was.
  3. Even if we have some understanding for the tensions involved, I think there needs to be a precedent that personal attacks referencing real-life vulnerabilities absolutely need to be met with an immediate temp-ban by the first mod that sees them. I have no doubt Goebs will learn from the community response regardless, but if there’s a line to be drawn - for all of us - then it needs to be drawn there.


Don’t do that thing where you’re not wrong but turn people against you because of how you’re phrasing this issue

There’s numerous people in the thread from both “sides” saying you are a valuable contributor to this forum

Goebs was issued a ban and near universally scorned for his post

What else do you want to happen here?


I’m not an expert on the history here, so I won’t argue with you. But I default to assuming that bad decisions are not necessarily reflective of fundamentally bad people.

I don’t even know what Goebs’ politics are, man.

The world is not made for people as sensitive as you.

The guy was a prick and he was banned. If he’s a prick again, he probably gets a permaban.

You would do a lot better for your cause imo if you drop this libshit/centrist attack stuff. I literally have zero idea what Goebs politics are and I’d guess 90% of the people posting itt are the same.


If making a personal attack based on weaponizing IRL insecurities of the poster in question is grounds for a permanent ban, then I think many if not most of the people you were melodramatically asserting the mods wanted to permanently ban over in the other thread would indeed have to be. I agree the post was way over the line, but it’s hardly the first time that someone has gone for the jugular in that fashion. I’d like to rein that in across the board.


People tell me you’re making an effort to post better.


I get being mad, but trying to turn one person’s post that was roundly criticized into an indictment into an entire community doesn’t make sense.


What? No it isn’t, he deleted it himself I believe:

It’ll be removed by the software soon. If you wanna know exactly how long, I can look and tell you

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