Moved Thread - The liberals here

Moving a thread from politics that is really about unstuck. I don’t see how to just move the thread, so I’m making a new thread and then moving all the posts. (hmm, I saw it, but it wouldn’t let me click the “New Thread” button)

You did get mostly serious replies and one off color one. Maybe focus on that? Ranting about the community who was mostly trying to help you after one post in poor taste seeks a little excessive. If it makes you feel any better I think the mods should do something about the post.

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It’s been less than 20 minutes, give the mods some time to take action, jackass.

It wasn’t off color, it was outrageous.

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Ok. I agree. Let’s not nitpick my verbage. It should be deleted and the poster should face some kind of consequence.

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I’m just saying the verbiage is important. “Off color” reads like it is minimizing what was written, boys will be boys. It was a cheap shot at someone who was earnestly asking for help and has no place here.

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Why take it out on the community? You need thicker skin dude. Nearly everyone will agree that the comment was not ok

Victoar you are correct his comment was completely out of line. I flagged it. However, perhaps making a new thread, in the main forum, insulting a large portion of the community is not the best way to raise your concerns about being treated poorly. We all know what you mean by “liberals”.

I did not see the comment but I trust it was very not cool and should be deleted. But if a person spends a ton of time self-righteously telling everyone what piece of shit hypocrites they all are, and then does not receive universal warmth and care when experiencing a personal crisis, I do not think that person should be very surprised.

I don’t really have any interest in adding more feuds to whatever the hell is going on around here, but I think Victor is justified in pointing out that he receives a lot of shit from a group of posters that are pretty ideologically aligned. The same way you were justified in pointing out the similar situation that was happening to you, except I don’t think any of the lefties would make fun of you for a potentially embarrassing medical question that was posted in sundry chitchat.


Calling people hypocrites because of policy differences is not the same thing as making fun of someone who asked for help with a sensitive situation. Stop this.


I’m not sure if watevs is part of this group or not but he’s taken pot shots about people posting in the mental health thread. So no “side” seems above it.

wtf does that have to do with anything? Watevs has nothing to do with this situation.

I like you cat but please try not to view everything through some tribal framework. Do you really think the right play here was starting a thread in the main forum to call a large number of posters assholes?


I wasn’t aware. That sucks, and if it’s referring to something you posted there, I’m sorry it happened.

Didn’t we float the idea of a site wide rule that no topics from the mental health thread could be brought up outside of it? Seems like a no brainer, and we can set up separate medical/legal threads with the same rule if there’s interest in that kind of thing.

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But all the “liberals” do?

I don’t give a shit if Victor and Watevs have been incredibly abrasive (which they have) - the post in question was terrible and the poster should easily get a tempban.


He’s not, though? He gets flak from people because he behaves like a toddler constantly. Him starting multiple threads about this before the mods have even had a chance to step in and whining about the community when 95% of us agree the post in question was out of line is example #4,082.

It’s still only 7am where half the mods live, give it a little while at least. I have no doubt there will be repercussions for the post

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