Moved Thread - The liberals here

I completely disagree with this.

@clovis8 youre right that a thread like this in politics isn’t the best way to deal with it. I posted here to voice support for Victor, because he deserves it. I’ve got 3-4 people arguing with me now, and I don’t think that’s an improvement on the situation, so I’m going to dip out and hope this dies down after some apologies.



Lock thread. Spidercrab for mod.


This raises something I hadn’t considered before - I think it makes sense to have mods from around the world, if only to increase the likelihood that an appropriately flagged post (whether a personal attack or just obvious spam) gets deleted quickly.

Also, move this thread out of Politics & News

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Yea i think with the exception of maybe wookie all the mods are from california.

We don’t get a lot of posts in the late hours, in fact the forum gets practically dead after midnight, but it wouldn’t be bad to have someone in an evening time zone for when it’s early morning in the US

You didnt fight hard enough, people certainly trotted out a lot of shit from mine.

That’s why “Thanks for reading my blog” became my standard response and it worked pretty well.

I don’t think we’ll have that problem here unless we get much larger

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Dunno, I certainly don’t feel that way. I’m sorry to victor if he feels this way, or anyone else for that matter. We have a lot of people in sundry chitchat talking in pretty great detail about their lives and it appears to be working fine.

Afaik this will be the first mod action in quite a while (if not ever?) in that section of the forum. It feels pretty peaceful in there.


What are you talking about? Like every reply save one in that thread was serious advice.

For quite a while now Victor has openly and clearly made an effort to be less abusive in spite being insulted pretty regularly. That should probably be a lesson that reputations take a long time to repair. The poster who did the personal attack in a thread about his injury ( @LikeClockwork ) is a pretty regularly abusive poster, I think to Victor in particular.

I’m not saying that means Victor should be attacking “The liberals” now, but he, and basically anyone else (even Inso0 if he were here) who starts a thread about something like that should be treated well in that thread.

As far as banning goebs, why? What’s happened to him here is far worse than a 1 day ban. He should apologize and try to do better.

And, why do I pick you to reply to for this rant? Because you know I love you and I you know I know that you’re just about the best poster on the forum. I know you don’t pay attention to all these fights as closely as I do and probably had no idea about Victor backing off the flame wars.


I’ve noticed victor cooling off over the last several months and I for one have greatly appreciated it


Umm, as an indication that his post was completely unacceptable and posts like that won’t be tolerated. If not goebs for this post, why bother tempbanning anyone ever?

edit: and if the response is, “I agree, we should never tempban anyone”, then I’ll just say I think that’s a terrible attitude for a mod to have.

I think dickish posts in sundry chitchat should be moderated more harshly than anywhere else. Let’s please establish a precedent that it’s not ok to be a jerk in there

I personally like goebs a lot but think that post was completely unnecessary

Because sometimes it’s the thing that does the most good. I don’t think it is this time. It’s just not all that simple.

And regarding your edit, I may well have tempbanned more than any other mod during my tenure.

A permanent ban for a one-off crack like that is obviously ridiculous.

Are you responding to something in particular? Did anyone even talk about a permanent ban?

I will elaborate…he has a thread full of people talking about what an asshole he was. That’s far far far worse than a tempban. He should not be banned. He should look at this. He should respond to it.

Ah wow I misread that totally, sorry. Snap-short temp seems totally reasonable.

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Totally agree. He has been a great poster lately.


Well victoar demanded a permanent ban didn’t he?


I fundamentally disagree. There are people who are completely indifferent to being called an asshole, and others who even revel in it. I don’t think we should assume that self-reflection will curb the kind of posts in question. (I’m not saying this applies to goebs; at this point, I’m talking about a more general moderation policy.) Like, what if he looks at his post and doesn’t respond to the resulting fallout or apologize for it, as you think he should?

It gives potential trolls a terrible freeroll to say, “If you make an obnoxious, offensive, insulting post the worst that will happen to you is community scorn. But feel free to continue posting as you like.”