
I’ve read some of it and regardless I absolutely am allowed to give my pov as to what makes for an interesting thread and what doesn’t.

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And by this logic, shouldn’t Ins0 be welcomed in all threads and left alone?

  • Consistently wrong, check
  • Arrogant about it, check
  • Ignored by many, check
  • Attacked by many, check
  • Leads to derails, check

Maybe awval too?

I dont like the idea of banning people or containing them or even putting people on ignore. If there are posters i dont like or dont want to read i just scroll by their posts.

I didn’t say you weren’t, I just called your opinion pointless and lazy, as anybody’s opinion that has to be prefaced with “I can’t be arsed reading through it,” is likely to be.

Most people disagreeing with me, Wichita and bored here are basically saying some form of “We know he sucks but you guys are annoying us by responding and he won’t stop with his shitty posting so just leave him alone.”

That seems like a pretty bad way to handle these situations if you ask me, so that’s bad enough imo, but if your entire take on it is admittedly uninformed both sidesing, I maintain that that’s pointless.

Ok. So what are we going to do about it. It isn’t really debatable who is actually to blame for it. 60% of the forum has a problem with exactly one poster and one poster has a problem with a huge section of the forum. That conflict is causing that to happen. The offending party has been told ad nauseum how insane and bad of posting it is by a lot of posters. There is no modification of behavior. Literally half the people who voted in the poll don’t just think he is a non-entity but that he actively makes the forum worse. If I had worded it less charitably and asked how many thought he was an overall positive contributor to the forum what would that % be?

The solution some of you are proposing is to lean on Trump’s wisdom and “hope it goes away on it’s own”.

I’m sorry but I don’t agree with that. It isn’t going to happen and while we got lucky and got a 6 month break from it, it didn’t last. And so here we are again. For literally the 6th time or something. Just give the guy his own fucking thread and let the nunnehi lovers lavish him with the praise he thirsts for and let the rest of us enjoy the great forum this place is. I promise I will never ever post there. I am quite certain the other people he has rained insults on over the last 18 months won’t either. Everyone wins.


It’s also pointless and lazy in this context. “A pox on all your houses,” is not a good way to handle these situations.

But it’ll probably lead to what a lot of people want: all of us to STFU and go away, so you can all continue to ignore nunn and not be bothered. Which is a lazy way of handling the situation.

That didn’t happen on its own either…

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It didn’t? (Maybe you mean he got ran off, which I agree didn’t happen on it’s own).

Yeah he basically got ran off, and I got the blame/credit. That’s when the “LOL nunnehi” stuff started on my end IIRC. Same shit, different day. He left because I was a mod and he couldn’t put me on ignore.

So we’re not going to get lucky, he’s not going anywhere or altering his behavior on his own.

The issue is people cant let go and move on.

He was calling cuse and I goons just last night. I tried to let it go. I publicly posted it was time to bury the hatchet 2 months ago. People made fun of me for it. The very next time I disagreed with him on anything he was back at it.

How exactly is that not trying to let go and move on? After he launches into his usual tirade am I just supposed to agree I am a piece of shit and grovel at his feet or what would you suggest?

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This does not seem like moving on to me. Seems like everyone is bringing up old baggage.


After the first round back with the Mueller stuff I told him publicly and privately on numerous occasions both ways that I didn’t dislike him, didn’t think he was a bad guy, and offered to buy him a beer if we were ever in the same town during my travels.

The issue is he makes consistently bad posts with a consistently condescending attitude, while consistently refusing to acknowledge his record, and being incapable of engaging in good faith with the vast majority of the forum. Then he adds character attacks on top of it.

All of that goes unaddressed by the forum, but when a few of us push back, throw his record in his face, and try to make him face up to it, we’re apparently the bad guys and the ones responsible for it all and poor nunnehi needs to be left alone.

Id suggest not interacting with posters you dont like. Or interacting and calling each other names if that is what you want to do.

It was about 14 hours before this discussion started that happened. It seems like your point is to just ignore it. So why aren’t you ignoring what I feel like are justified complaints about an over year long pattern of behavior by nun?

If you don’t like people confronting nun just ignore it man.


Call it that if you want means I disagree with the characterization, but don’t feel it’s important to argue over it right now while arguing about all this other stuff.

I mean if the real standard here is that 1000+ ad hominem attacks are fine over the last 1.5 years then I guess I should get around to actually bullying nun since it’s obvious a lot of you think that is what is going on. I mean I’m an untrustworthy, shitty lawyer, goon, fake democrat, radical , brainwashed, moron, idiot, stupid, bitch(and then some). It’s time to start fighting fire with fire. I start tomorrow. Let’s see if people ignore it or outright defend it. (No I am not serious but what the fuck people).


When a certain poster has been consistently wrong for like two years, and is still condescendingly telling other people he knows best and they are guessing at complete unknowns, his track record is going to be brought up.

When he accuses others of being the ones to start it all, his record of abuse is going to be brought up.

Nunnehi has one of the worst posting records on UP, one of the biggest egos on UP and some of the thinnest skin on UP. He’s consistent in all of these, and that combination should be unacceptable.

If someone is posting that there’s a chance Mitch McConnell will act in good faith and do the right thing in Nov/Dec just for the sake of doing the right thing, they should be prepared to be dunked on and needled. If they double, triple, and quadruple down on that take… They are going to get that thrown in their face. As they should.

I can have an ego sometimes, have thin skin sometimes, or be wrong sometimes. Hopefully I’m none of these things all the time. I think the fact that I’m willing to post the previous two sentences is halfway decent evidence that I am not always all three. Hopefully I am rarely all three at once, though I can think of some times I was probably all three at once. But at least I try to avoid that and do better.

Anybody who is all three all the time needs to be contained.

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I’m suggesting that you consider changing how you post to people in general, now this thing with nun has come out. I wasn’t surprised to see you say you were bullied when you were younger. In my experience the bullied often become bullies themselves.

The best thing you can do now imo is to engage with him in a non abusive way, and if he escalates with abuse or insults don’t reply in kind but quote his post into a new nun compendium post that can be shown to people here who think it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other.

Or if you can’t be arsed with that, just ignore him.