
You left out grotesque, gross, and monster. Just off the top of my head from recent nunn posts. Something about reveling in human suffering or enjoying it or rooting for it? Those were directed at a bunch of us.

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It does not really go undressed. There have been thousands of post addressing it here and at the old place. It has not gone anywhere but its addressed.

You want him banned or contained. Ok fine. Id like him to keep posting and for those who dont like him to not post with him.

Because i like his posting and dont want him to not post, again.

Look im not saying he is faultless and its all on anyone or group. But there is an easy fix no one wants to take.

As far as Iā€™m concerned Iā€™ve been very aggressive in a few instances:

NBZ - Although that was different all together, and it was calling for a ban moreso than attacking him in threads. I wanted a rule established and I made a big deal of it.

You and MLO were similar. I called out bad posting on important issues, and we got mean and nasty about it, and then it subsided. I still think I was right, you probably still think Iā€™m an asshole, but weā€™re able to post in the same threads and reply to each otherā€™s posts and be civil. Youā€™re not my favorite poster here (Iā€™m sure Iā€™m nowhere near your favorite either), but I donā€™t think youā€™re a bad person or hate you or anything. MLO is gone so that never happened with him.

I donā€™t know what NBZ thinks of me, but we discuss things routinely in various threads and things seem fine.

The only person Iā€™ve had long lasting beef with is nunnehi.

Yeah I vehemently disagree with this. I think the bullied tend to be more empathetic.

Like this has already happened repeatedly over months. Iā€™ve engaged with him in non abusive ways, publicly and privately, on numerous occasions. He cannot handle being challenged on his record or position.

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Whereā€™s the nun compilation thread with his top 100 abuses and insults?

thereā€™s a very popular mo of ā€˜show the receiptā€™. What usually happens is that if you donā€™t take the time to dig up hundreds of posts they ignore your claim. if you do take the time and effort to do so theyā€™ll tell you to just get over it who cares ignore him.


Lol really? I donā€™t see you showing any empathy at all for nun, who for all you know could have all sorts of shit going on in his life.

You even @ him from other threads to try to humiliate him.

Nobody new, and nobody occasionally lurking, is going to dig through that. If he posts bad takes next week, they need to be addressed by someone next week as far as Iā€™m concerned, or theyā€™re unaddressed.

People think one line responses are mean, but long ones are distracting or derail threads. So the solution is to leave the bad poster alone?

Thatā€™s not what Iā€™m digging up, Iā€™m digging up his track record of being wrong about everything. But itā€™s going to take a while.

It seems like you want people to moderate their behavior wrt to nun? Why donā€™t you just ignore it instead man?

The basic flaw with what you are saying is that this is a place (I thought) to freely debate mostly politics topics in good faith. If we all just ignored the discourse we didnā€™t agree with completely there would be almost no content here. Iā€™ve gotten my ass kicked here plenty as well as on exiled and 22. I donā€™t resort to disparaging the few personal details I know about someone.

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Iā€™ve repeatedly in this thread given examples of reaching out to him, trying to separate our political arguments to squash bad blood, offering to buy him a beer, and checking on his overall situation to make sure he was doing ok.

When I turn around and get called a monster on the forum, yeah, sorry, heā€™s not going to get much empathy on here from me.

I told you why.

So what if heā€™s wrong about everything? This sounds more like an ego trip for you and another atrocious attempt to humiliate him. Why are you even thinking of doing this? You seem obsessed.

I thought this was all about abuse and insults, not winning some long forgotten arguments no one except you gives a fuck about any more.


Did I get that about right?

Someone suggested that I do that and link to it instead of bringing it up every time. Sort of a nunnā€™s track record containment thread, and if I link to it when he posts horrible takes instead of criticizing the takes, there are less derails, but his bad takes are being challenged and pointed out in the context of his track record.

Literally someone else suggested it ITT, I said I had thought of that and would be willing, and youā€™re turning it into some sort of ego trip and obsession on my part.

So we are going to go the prick rout with each other? okā€¦

Am I wrong that you are telling me to deal with it by ignoring it so you can continue to enjoy his posting? I guess Iā€™m not sure how that makes me a prick but ok.

Like man I have no problem with you but if you think the way he has treated some of us is ok then that doesnā€™t make me feel warm and fuzzy?

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Everyone knows nunn canā€™t handle criticism, so if weā€™re allowed to criticize nunn, heā€™ll leave. Obviously nunn is not likely to agree to a containment thread because it is inherently criticism from the entire community, so if that is the solution heā€™ll likely leave.

Thus, because he likes nunnā€™s posting, the only solution is to insist that the entire forum treats nunn with kid gloves because nunn cannot handle any other treatment from those who disagree with him.

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But with what goal? So people who hate nun can all gather round your magnificent compendium of his errors and ridicule him? No thanks. Whereā€™s your humanity?

And if youā€™re doing it to get him contained or banned for being wrong I think and hope youā€™re wasting your time.

But if heā€™s really as abusive and insulting without provocation as you and Wichita say, make a new French BBV thread of his new unwarranted abusive remarks and bring them to the forum members when thereā€™s enough of them.

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Maybe ill go look up some of those receipts because i seem to remember you jumping on that dog pile pretty fast and often.

I attacked his ideas plenty. Go find some receipts where I called him a goon, a shitty person and all the rest? It didnā€™t happen.

Did I ridicule him on the merits of his arguments. Of course I did.

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Whatever at this point. You all want to run him out of town and no one can seem to ignore him and not argue over years old stuff so i guess it is what it is.