
If this doesn’t beat Preet for the #1 spot, nothing will

The way you dropped me like a rock was shameful. You ghosted me when I wanted to have a real conversation with you about how you took something I said really personally that wasn’t intended that way at all.

If anyone fell under Cuse’s influence more than you on this site during the time you ghosted me, I don’t know who it is. If you want to hash out our differences in PM, feel free to PM me. When I originally wanted to do that with you, I found out you blocked me from being able to PM you so I just gave up. I still have the exact post I wrote to you that couldn’t be sent then if you want to read it. We’d have quite a bit to talk about if you were willing to engage in private. Instead, you ghosted me and I don’t expect a response from you here either.

Remember when several people like Wichita thought you were a gimmick of me? I do. That’s how warped the brains of these people are. Remember when Jman posted some 90 paragraph screed and said I wrote it? Half the people here believed it was me. THAT’s how warped people’s brains are here. Now, put yourself into my space and see how I would feel about these things. Everyone keeps telling me how I need to change, when I keep saying over and over the only things I won’t ever roll over on. And they double, triple, quadruple, quintuple down on doing those exact same things that cause the problem. Same as it ever was.

Your reasoning is incredibly dubious. It’s possible to justify any action if you grant a bunch of tenuous assumptions and appeal to some hypothetical utility. What if you being an obsessive dick to a user who ignored you causes lurkers to think less of the forum, which in turn means they’re less likely to keep reading and consequently they don’t engage with this wonderful resource we’ve created, hence … Mitch McConnell… hence all the bullshit we’ve been dealing with in American politics? There’s no way to know.


We just fundamentally disagree about whether he is being coddled or whether that requires such urgent action from you even if he is. He will be contained or banned or left on mute/ignore by many of us as the situation evolves.

Then dude, why has this taken such priority for you? Just out of some vague concern that lurkers might buy his abuse as kindness and his demonstrably false claims as something other than a falsehood?

If you’re truly going to make your focus about the lurkers who might be harmed by his posting, would you at least consider an approach that doesn’t make the forum a worse experience in other ways you surely don’t want?


Wow, just, wow. Bring me the receipts.

That’s great, but asking people to leave him alone explicitly because he’s a bad poster who can’t be reasoned with IS coddling him. Of course, meanwhile he’s accusing you of being under my influence.

My concern is that lurkers who are new or swing by occasionally will not know this guy has been wrong about everything for months/years, and will see some well-written content that seems to be posted in good faith and with good reasoning and buy it because it’s more optimistic than most of the rest of us.

Yes, I already said I’d be willing to use a thread that’s just a record of all of his horrible takes and then post a link to it whenever he starts spewing some more nonsensical bullshit, if that would make people happy.

Edited to add: Nobody said that would make them happy.

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Excellent! I’m glad we could resolve this amicably.

tenor (31)

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Another post, another round of personal insults.


The only reason I came back to this site was because of the COVID thread. I thought I had something to add to the discussion. I still think I have something to add to the discussion. If it weren’t for one poster on this site doing magnificent work in the early stages of the pandemic, it’s very unlikely I would have ever posted on it again.

And again, there are 5 to 8 people on this site (all represented in this thread right now) who constantly try to make my posting experience on this site as unpleasant as possible and then try to poison anyone else who comes in contact with their words about me. The vast majority of people on this site aren’t unpleasant to me at all. If they ignore me, that’s fine. I scroll on by lots of people.

The real concern should be that these people are literally trying to silence me for having an opinion they disagree with. They constantly lie about who I am, which poisons me to the community. They then say I’m personally attacking them when they were personally attacking me. This site has some of the most incredible projection I’ve ever seen. And that’s why we’re here right now. If me having to deal with this exposes these people for who they really are, I’m down.

They’ve created a community standard that’s if you’re not raging at the machine every moment or insulting Democrats or whatever other fad passes their fancy, then you shouldn’t be allowed to post here. The most highly liked poster on this site is nothing but an entertaining beyond pessimistic whiner who eats and drinks everywhere he s***s.

As an example, Cuse’s response to me telling him he no longer existed to me should have been flagged by the community because it was beyond the pale in a number of ways. Not a single person pushed back on him and I’m sure it got plenty of hearts. That’s what a subset of this community is.

Wichita posted a photo of Neville Chamberlain when I said a skinny bill should have been passed in early August to prevent unnecessary deaths and destruction of lives. He compared me wanting avoid unnecessary loss of life to appeasing Hitler and people liked it as hilarious. And they wonder why I think the way they do about them.

Yes, of course and that’s what I’m doing being new to America politics, it provides value to me to hear Americans side of the conversion.

What he provides is an insights into how some Americans think wrt how to deal with the current problem, the pandemic and shows how the machines generally work, in a lot of aspects of the relationship between the house and Congress for someone like me who is generally oblivious of certain rules and orders.

It’s not about his or your opinion, alough I do read a lot of both your posts, both you and Nunnehi provide the above providing a educational resource for me.

Yeah… That’s not going to happen, ever.

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Yes funny on topic memes are way out of line and deserving of all the personal attacks. What kind of site is this! HOW DARE YOU!

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That won’t happen right after Pence gets impeached and convicted? Which is sure to happen right after Trump gets impeached and convicted?


Yes. It worked out very well for me. Some of these same people who keep hating on me here actually embraced me for what I brought and tried to mend fences. Then they went right back to their same old habits.

Making stuff up again, Jbro. I demand you find any post where I said either Trump or Pence were guaranteed to be convicted. Bring the receipts jBRO.


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It wasn’t just hilarious, it was an accurate depiction of your posting in that thread. You wanted to appease Mitch McConnell and called anyone who disagreed a monster.

This is so delusional I don’t know where to begin. As someone who reached out to nunn to try to tell him it wasn’t personal the first go-round repeatedly, who communicated with him at times during his absence and during his return, and who reached out to him during the most recent argument to make sure he was okay aside from our disagreements, the repeated accusations of hating him, “same old habits,” etc are ridiculous.

There will be receipts soon enough. A whole thread of them.

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Alright, I think enough’s enough ITT. I’m going to work on putting together receipts and then when I do I’ll start a thread that I can reference in the future every time nunn starts his nonsense again, it seems like that will make most of the community less annoyed, while still addressing nunn’s bullshit.

I propose nunn do the same and you both not post in the stimulus thread until you have both reread it and can cite examples of all claims made in this thread. Go through this thread, too, and list all claims you have made.

Might as well just temp ban me for three weeks.

I propose they settle their differences like gentlemen and co-host a weekly podcast where each week, they rewatch the Pauly Shore classic Jury Duty. I give them six months before they emerge as new men.