
Yeah like even when I engage with him in good faith and stay polite, the back and forth annoys people and they want me to ignore him and not waste the space in the thread on it. Like, what is even the point then?

Are there any examples of anyone engaging with nunn and disagreeing and not having it turn into a huge shitstorm? My guess is only if nunn replies to tell them how right and smart he is and how wrong they are, insults their character, and they give up.

None of us are taking issue with him just for being wrong all the time. Itā€™s for never admitting it, and being condescending about everything as if heā€™s the one whoā€™s always rightā€¦ then insulting everyoneā€™s character who disagrees with it. Like he finds more polite ways to do it than ā€œLOL nunnehiā€ or ā€œFuck off,ā€ but heā€™s basically called a huge chunk of well-regarded regs gross sociopathic monsters who do not care about human suffering on any level and only seek to win political battles from their ivory towers.

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They keep saying Iā€™m wrong and they keep not bringing receipts. For sure itā€™s best to take them at their word about who I am since they get so much else right about me.

Not sure if this belongs in the Obscure Things You Do thread or here.

I compete in unlicensed underground thumb-wrestling. I use the cuse vs nun back and forths as training for my thumbs while scrolling on by. Your wordiness and indefatigably is lifting me to new heights. :+1: :-1:


Fine, then. I believe you. I donā€™t read his posts. Both Cuse and nunn should calm down or take a ban. I only focus on Cuse because I like to read his posts but itā€™s annoying when heā€™s randomly @ProxyOP nunn to throw insults around. Neither of them should be doing that. It makes this place worse.


Please hear our feedback and requests toward you as independent about any of your claims about nunnehi.

No one is saying you suck more than him. The things he has said to you and about you are awful. His behavior is atrocious. But he also appears to be completely unreachable by anyone here when we ask him to please experience a moment of empathy and compassion for a perspective that isnā€™t an extension of his own. So we are trying to reach you instead of banning someone because you, at least outside of the subject of nunnehi, are capable of engaging with us with vulnerability and trust.

We are saying, or at least I am saying, that when it comes to nunnehi, you are like an alcoholic who refuses to put down the drink. I understand you have all sorts of reasons for continuing this behavior that feel important to you. They will probably always feel important to you until you choose to quit.

Begging someone to quit has never resulted in someone quitting. But all the same, Iā€™m begging you my man. Put him on ignore. Please find a different outlet. The crusade is not having the impact you have described as your intention.

It may not be possible for you to understand this given how much power nunnehi has over you, but our experience of him and the power he has over us isnā€™t even close to what you so urgently are mitigating. Itā€™s okay to let this one go.


I posted all of your personal attacks from just a few weeks of one thread less than 100 posts ago in this thread.

Again this is Trumpian levels of dishonest.

Can you give me an example of some insults you find inappropriate? Do you think @ProxyOP someone to say, ā€œHey remember when you said XYZ? This proves it wrong ā†’ link,ā€ is inappropriate and annoying?

Then itā€™ll continue with Wichita or boredsocial until they should calm down or take a ban. Note that every time this ā€œtruceā€ is reached, nunn wins - calming down means letting his posts go unchallenged. Thatā€™s all he wants. He canā€™t handle being challenged or called out for being wrong, he just wants to be left alone to post his 1,000 word essays full of wishcasty nonsense.

If anyone else stands up to him, the same thing will happen. Eventually, nunnā€™s posts will go completely unchallenged and weā€™ll be giving him a free platform to spew delusional bullshit to as many people as read it.

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Come on, dude. You know that isnā€™t what you do. Throw some ALL CAPS and and a few lolololololololā€™s in there to make it realistic.

Here is the unfleshed out infancy of a (probably) bad idea.

We want community modding. I also think we would all agree there is too much bad faith posting and infighting sometimes.

What about some kind of token system. Say you are given 10 ā€œtokensā€ per month to assign to someone who is posting poorly. If they receive enough tokens (say 10) they are given a time out. Posters can use tokens to counter other posters token but the subject canā€™t.

Like is said, it feels like the germ of an idea but could maybe work to allow community input into modding and incentivize better posting.

I was one of the first people who started yelling at you for your shtick. Iā€™m glad cuse is doing what heā€™s doing because youā€™re fucking exhausting and I did not have the willpower.


Come on. Heā€™s constantly wrong, lies about it, and is abusive to every person that bothers to engage with him. I mean Iā€™m fine just ignoring him and muting a thread or two, but itā€™s understandable why some people are sick of the nonsense.


So what Iā€™m reading here is that nunnehi is a lost cause who must be coddled by convincing regs who are convinceable to leave him alone, because he cannot be convinced to chill out. This seems like a really bad way to run a forum. If he cannot improve his posting, get in touch with reality or his track record on past issues, or ever engage with anyone who disagrees, he should be contained - not coddled.

None of us know what impact itā€™s having, because the impact would be on lurkers and low volume posters. I do know many lurkers came out of the woodwork when we relocated and talked about how discussions here helped them shape their views/arguments. I know this forum back on 2p2 back in the day did the same for me. That all exists (or doesnā€™t) under the surface, and we donā€™t know how many people are lurking, what their views are, whether theyā€™re still forming opinions, etc. Thereā€™s no way to know.

I donā€™t think he has any power over any of the regs here. I think 90% of the community knows heā€™s basically wrong about everything.

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Not true. Thumbs up for the great posting.

Was the forum gotten worse since nun came back?(going to leave this anonymous so people can state their real opinion without blowback)

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Iā€™ve repeatedly called myself an asshole in this thread, and referenced myself saying ā€œLOL nunnehi.ā€ Hereā€™s one:

Again my point is the same. Most of my @ProxyOP nunnehi is showing him to be wrong about something when it pops up. As far as I know, all of my ā€œpersonal attacksā€ on him relate back to this. Iā€™ve never called him a bad guy, Iā€™ve never called him a monster, Iā€™ve never questioned his morals or empathy.

If you have examples that are over the line, donā€™t fall under that, etc, Iā€™ll look at them and reconsider.

These shouldnā€™t be anonymous, imo.

I just noticed thereā€™s actually an @ProxyOP account. Poor dude is going to log in to a lot of notifications from this thread lol.

In this case I think it should.

Itā€™s a joke account that was made because of this exact discussion weā€™re having about @ProxyOP

I believe it followed the big @-gate sabo started when he tried to dunk on a few posters, including myself, who didnā€™t really like being summoned to a thread we didnt read or have any interest in.

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JFC stop @ing me