
We’ve all noticed, and didn’t think it worthy of comment.

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While I don’t disagree with this post in spirit I would argue that Nunn is different because of the combination of volume, tone (which isn’t the worst thing about him), and content quality (which because of his volume is the real problem).

Like you’re basically saying this community has no right to do any quality control at all, and that we should view these choices as crime and punishment. I just really disagree with that I guess. I think the purpose of this site is to create exceptional political posting, and I think of the rest of you as my collaborators.

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We have some non-WAAFers who are tethered to reality, who argue in better faith and/or who admit when they were wrong.

My issue isn’t with not budging off his position. Like if he wants to argue that Dems should cave and take the extension through mid-November, I have no problem with him arguing that and refusing to budge. My issue comes with not recognizing where he’s been wrong in the past AND in conjunction with that preaching to us about how we’re always wrong and he’s always right.

Like, I could make a coherent argument for his side of this that was rooted in facts and didn’t rely on bullshit like that. I don’t think it would be the winning argument, obviously, but you can make the moral argument.

I don’t even recall you being abusive to me, FWIW. Some of my @ ing has been to dunk on him and bury him in arguments, but some has also ust been like “Oh look, here’s something that proves one of his old arguments wrong, @ him about it.” I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. Of course hearing “I told you so” in any form will piss people off, but that’s what should happen if you’re wrong all the time and refuse to acknowledge it.

Wouldn’t you rather hear the other side from someone tethered to reality and/or who admits they’ve been wrong in the past? Like what is the value in hearing nunnehi present the other side, given his track record for presenting his views/predictions?

The dude is straight up predicting that Mitch McConnell might do the right thing in late November.

I’ve already said what I’d say to the rest of Risky’s post repeatedly: I think it’s important not to let stuff stand unchallenged given that there are a lot of lurkers or low volume posters who may take a lack of disagreement/challenge as agreement/acceptance.

I know a lot of people don’t think so. I’m not even trying to convince them it is, so much as explaining why I think it’s important and thus why I insist on challenging his ideas/predictions.

IMO there should be a containment thread in the Politics subforum for all of Nunnehi’s views and predictions, and that would take care of that.

I think our current political meta in the world is a great example of what happens when most people politely ignore bad ideas in the marketplace of ideas. I’m not saying nunnehi is as toxic as Trumpism or racism or anything like that, but his ideas basically hinge around trusting the establishment Democrats and negotiating in good faith with the Republicans (despite all their bad faith actions), and getting people to buy in to that and believe in that is toxic.

I particularly enjoyed being lectured about how none of this affects me or people I know, while regularly posting about how my income has been negative since early July, I’m going to play poker in person as a result soon, I had a massively frustrating moving process, I have close friends who are backlogged on unemployment benefits since June and forced to go back to work in person soon, etc… But I’m just a grotesque, heartless monster incapable of empathy because I’m so gross.

And my problem with his posting isn’t even all of that, it’s that he won’t admit that his track record is being wrong consistently. If he would own that and then make these arguments, it’d be whatever to me.

To me it’s just a guy who’s consistently wrong who oozes smug condescension in all of his posts while refusing to admit when he’s been wrong. Being wrong all the time is fine, we all are entitled to our opinions. Being smug and condescending can be tolerable if the person is usually right. Refusing to admit you’re wrong can be tolerable as long as you’re not smug about it.

Going 3-for-3 with those bad traits is some amazing shit.

I’m pretty sure everyone he’s arguing with is directly affected by this issue SIGNIFICANTLY.

  • My income has been negative since July
  • WichitaDM’s wife is on the frontlines. Less aid → more people forced out to work in person → more cases → more exposure
  • Boredsocial owns a business that is being impacted pretty severely by the pandemic/recession, right?

Is cuse an overall positive asset to the board and discussions? I would say it would be an overwhelming yes.

Is Nun? Overwhelming no and he should GTFO.


This is Trumpian. Nunnehi contends that he has never wronged anyone on this forum, never started anything, never been wrong about anything, is the moral authority on everything, always argues in good faith, everyone else argues with him in bad faith, some of us are not worthy of his content, etc.

I may be an asshole to him a lot, and to various posters from time to time when we have a heated disagreement, but at least I admit that I can be an asshole. At least I usually make up with most of them to the extend that we can discuss other stuff politely.

Thanks. My guess is a lot of people would say it’s an overwhelming no, and a lot would say it’s an overwhelming yes. I would like to think it’s like 2 to 1 or 3 to 1 in my favor, but I’m biased and it may well be 50-50 or worse. If so, that’s fine and things will play out accordingly. A while back I stopped focusing so much on that and just started letting it rip when I felt it was warranted, as I felt that was the best/right approach personally.

I know this makes me an asshole sometimes, rude sometimes, etc, but I think sometimes someone needs to speak up and be an asshole to get a point across. I know this sometimes degrades the quality of threads, because 90% of people already know whats up and I’m just annoying them by responding to this stuff at all… But I think about the other 10% and the lurkers and I feel like someone should be taking the other side on these issues for the benefit of people still forming opinions.

I agree it’s an overwhelming no, and I’m confident most of the community would agree on this. That said, I think he should just be contained not banned or run off. I don’t think we should necessarily censor/ban people for being bad posters, but we should contain them when warranted. I doubt he’d even go along with that, but that’s a problem only if/when the community decides to go that route.

I’ve made less money this year than any of the last several years also. My business has been shuttered this whole time and personal bankruptcy filings are down for reasons I won’t clutter the thread with this year. So ya his ranting about how we somehow personally benefit from Covid or lack of a bailout is just complete nonsense. My mortgage is in deferment and almost every aspect of my life is worse than ever before. And then there is the stuff with my wife going through hell at work and literally coming home crying most days and fearful to go back to work. She has cut back to part time because she can’t emotionally handle it which also has economic costs as well.

I have publicly posted all of that and he berates me for somehow benefiting from the pandemic or lack of stimulus while simultaneously lecturing me on my lack of empathy. As Rupar tweets almost daily his posting is beyond parody.


ROFL. If Cuse is the standard you want, that’s the standard you’re gonna get and it ain’t gonna increase the board’s presence or popularity at all. He runs those that follow him and you just don’t see it.

He’s trying to dominate the community. I’m just a person who posts 5 to 10 times a day, if that and only more when people are attacking me. This site is so lol about stuff like this. It’s like if every person who wasn’t popular in high school created a clique to say ‘who’s popular now, HUH?’. I get far too much attention on this site. Far. Too. Much.

Pro Tip: This guy is in that 5 to 8 who just can’t stand me and wants me silenced, same as it ever was.

Yeah, we’ve also focused a lot on business and financials. We’re all impacted by all aspects of this. I’m way worse off socially and that will continue as long as this pandemic rages - which will be longer without aid. I’m 34 and single, and it’s no secret around here that I don’t wish to be. I don’t feel safe dating yet. Those with significant others and kids, you guys are blessed in that regard even more so than usual in a time like this.

A few months before the pandemic I was dating a few people, and although none panned out, at least it was fun and there was hope and I was meeting new people as others didn’t pan out. I was making great money, building up for my future, on a great trajectory.

Early in the pandemic I made about 55-60% as much money in about 225% as many hours. So my hourly got destroyed but I was still doing okay. Now it’s basically zero and I’m preparing to get back out there and take my chances.

All while being lectured for being completely unaffected by this. But he’s not tethered to facts at all, and he’s got the trifecta of posting tons of horribly wrong takes, lying about his track record and the situation of those he’s arguing with, and being as smug and condescending as the worst of us at all times.

Like I can be a smug, arrogant prick sometimes even to people I like. But at least I’m not that way at all times (hopefully), I try not to be. I can be an asshole when arguing with people, but at least I’m not that way all the time to most people. I try not to be.

This guy is just consistently the worst, never takes any responsibility, and never gives others the benefit of the doubt on their motives or character. He’s just toxic.

I’m sorry to hear this. I know my friend’s wife has been crying a lot about having to go back as a teacher on 10/1, so your wife is definitely not alone with feelings like that. I know they’ve had some arguments about it where from my perspective they’re lashing out at each other because of their anger at the state of the world. Like he wants her to quit, but she feels like she can’t because they need the money and he doesn’t make enough… But she wants to quit, too. It’s like sometimes they’re on the same side but they end up arguing, so I worry a little about that for them. It’s tough to hear about it.

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You have over 100 posts in the last week and 4500 lifetime even though you “quit” the forum for like 7 months of it’s 14 month existence. Add in the fact that your posts are all 5,000 word essays and you are easily one of the top 10 posters in actual words typed all time. You have more posts than me even with “quitting” half the time. But sure you just post 5-10 times a day and are a totally normal low volume poster.

This is another just complete and total fabrication.


This is ridiculous. I don’t “run” anyone. I don’t even know how to respond to this.

This is also ridiculous. I had an opportunity to control the entire community by being the one who created Exiled for us to land on. I could have launched my own site on my own domain and tried to control the community and profit off of it. I didn’t feel like it was mine to do that with and personally did what I could to make sure that I didn’t control it, nor did anyone else control it too much.

I now have no leadership roles. I’m not a mod, I’m not an admin, I’m just a guy who posts here who’s a reg.

The only time I’ve tried in any way to push my will on the community was with NBZ, and I felt very strongly about it. My view was not the predominant view on the forum, I could not persuade people, and I lost that fight and that was that. I left for a while, and came back when things got so crazy I needed to discuss them here. I find his posting to be constructive and good for discussions, especially with everything going on, and I’m glad NBZ is still around even though I still think I was right back then.

So, I don’t know where this whole “trying to dominate the community” thing comes from at this point. I didn’t start this latest discussion, I even specifically said I shouldn’t be the one to lead a call to have you contained or banned because I’m so involved in the arguments, although I support containment.

I’ve repeatedly tried to separate any power/leadership I’ve had as well as any personal grudges I’ve had from these sorts of things, and sidelined myself from leading the charge when necessary.

It’d be hard to crank out more than 2,500 to 10,000 words per day on here.

I haven’t read a nunn post in a year. I like cus a lot but agree he should just put nunn on ignore. He has an unhealthy focus on him.

Nope. I said if you’re going to apply “quality control” to one person you need to do it across the board.

Some people crying for “quality control” might want to take a look at their own posting, recent and not so recent.

I don’t want this forum to turn into one where people are bullied into agreeing with one very loud, insistent and voluminous poster, whether that’s nunn or cuse. That is against the political principles that brought us together here.

Be specific. Are you saying that me, Wichita dm and cuse are quality control problems?

No offense man but I think it’s your own insecurities on display here. This isn’t a slippery slope and you aren’t next.


This guy.

You just can’t help it, can you?


lol no dude, you’ve misread my posts if that’s what you’ve taken from them.

It bothers me that there are attempts to “quality control” one poster when there have been far more egregious breaches of “quality control” from other regular posters here.

I was actually surprised by how inoffensive nunn’s posts Wichita cited here are compared with some other attacks on people. I guess maybe it’s the sheer volume rather than the intensity of them, I don’t know.

If you don’t like nunn’s posting, just ignore him as the rest of us do, because introducing “quality control” will open a huge can of worms believe me.

It’s not that either, they just don’t like me. They create the volume, never forget that. Not a single person ripped DrModern for saying exactly what I felt in the bailout thread. It’s that they don’t like me and never have.

I’m talking about a very particular subset here. Very particular. It’s easy to figure out who they are.

I suspect this is true, though you haven’t done yourself any favours either.

You and cuse are as bad as each other, and probably deserve to be locked into a containment thread with only each other to rant at.

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