
Jesus christ jalfrezi. Nunn is not the victim here. He’s a very willing participant in most of the toxic interactions on the forum. He tosses around a LOT of personal attacks as others have pointed out and is generally quite happy to escalate any conflict he gets into.

I’m not even arguing for him to be banned, just contained. It doesn’t even have to be in French BBV.


Get over yourself.


My line isn’t that nunn is a victim, but that they’re both guilty of escalation because it’s always an option to ignore him as others have said they’re doing.

Failing that, I think @cassette has the best suggestions on how to deal with it.

And I repeat that, especially in these times, we should be treating each other with kid gloves. We don’t often know a lot about the people we’re arguing with and what they might be going through at the moment. This is the worst possible time to be bullying each other, and frankly it’s appalling and possibly banworthy on its own.

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I am bored at work so here is a list of nun’s recent personal insults of posters or the forum in general in just one thread: (In spoilers because it is extremely long)


To all of us:
“These people are systemically out of touch and ‘need’ to see the dystopia as portrayed in movies when societies fall apart to get it. Many of you are okay with that. I’m not.”
“Sorry, I see a lot of ‘these people need to be homeless or die’ so we can have a long term victory. That seems like the opposite of empathy to me. I’m also quite dubious this would be their stance if they were in the group about to be crushed by this. That’s what I mean by privilege.”
“Anyway I’m tapping out of this grotesque sideshow” (Hint: he did not tap out)
“I give up, seriously.” (Hint: he did not give up)
“All I am trying to do is tell anyone who feels the way you do to identify your privilege and check it. This has nothing to do with empathy and is all about privilege that each of you continues to deny allows you to be comfortable yet conflicted in your thinking on this.”
“People on this site need to get off the nihilism train.”
“We’re in Ivory Tower land (no one that we know of on the site with any immediate terrible effects due to nothing coming) with the way people are treating this here, and I don’t like it at all.”
“I’m glad everyone in this thread is showing who they are, though”
“I’m just going to say one last thing on this, and you can all stew in your consciences for the next month (I know, I know, there will be none of this).” (Hint: he did not say one last thing on this)
“Again, this thread is gross, all I tried to do when bringing this up was to say stop being gross. What happened was people became more and more gross doubling and tripling down and I learned some things about some people that I wished I never knew. Others, it was no surprise at all.”
“The moral compass on this forum has always been a bit off, but it’s further off than normal lately. I have no interest in saying I told you so when the bad things happen due to your callous disregard for human life. It’s gross, end of story.”
“We’re in it, man, now it’s all about how bad it’s gonna get. There’s no going back. I hope you’ll be okay with what comes. I’m done.” (Hint: He wasn’t done)
“Cool, I’m glad I can add you to the stack of people who are just fine with tons of people unnecessarily dying and having their lives destroyed. This is a great scorecard, by the way.”
“As soon as you all are willing to admit you might be a little heartless in this thing. Every single person who’s doing this has treated actual people in this country like they live in a zoo as something to be mocked.”
" A lot of these people remind me of the TV character Maude. I won’t go further than that. Telling someone to starve today so they can maybe save someone tomorrow won’t play well."
“All these guys on the other side of me claim they’re moral creatures, or did you miss that part?”

To BoredSocial:
“You’ve already said you’re a take no prisoners negotiator no matter the cost, especially when working with bad faith negotiators (GOP), so I don’t think you’re representative of the population at large and are looking at this through that lens. There’s no empathy behind that lens and I’m sure you’d agree with that.”
“You still can’t wrap your head around the idea that impeachment means nothing to day to day lives while this means everything. Your calculus is effed up because of how you do your business.”

To Cuse:
“Here you go, Cuse, since you seemingly find it fundamentally impossible to understand the problem.”
“This is why you look in this thread like what you perceive a person at the end of their rope might think of you. I have news for you. This isn’t 20 people on the street, this could be millions of people facing this in the next several weeks. How you’ve acted in this thread is just plain gross, but you are very bad at introspection when challenged to look at it from a perspective you truly do NOT understand.”
“I’m telling you, you would be in high demand in the Republican Party for how much you distort what people say.”
" But continue doubling and tripling down on heartlessness because you just KNOW what’s going to happen."
“Like it or not, man, you ARE Nancy Pelosi while thinking you’re the opposite.”
“The one thing I like about you is at least you own this stuff. Cuse claims he’s doing it for humanity when he really isn’t. I wanted him to own that, but he refuses to, so that’s the closing of that book.”
“Because I’m actually a nice person and not some keyboard warrior, I’m just letting you know one last time that you’ve once again completely lied about my positions on impeachment(s) putting what you believe I think into your own words and then continuing to say that’s what I believe despite me telling you that’s not what I believe. I am nowhere near the only person you do this to. You are poison, dude.” (Hint: it was not one last time)
"Your strategy is pure bad faith and again is immoral when you know the other side will not agree to anything even remotely close to what you refuse to budge on. "

To Me:
" I guess you’ll be happy when nothing comes to people who need it. I hope you’ll feel the same way in a year when you’re actually affected by the events of this singular moment in history."
“You don’t get it and never will, it’s okay.”
“For the record, I never accused you of not being a ‘real Democrat’, I accused you of not being a trustworthy one. I think of you as Paul from the Bible. He persecuted and murdered Christians like it was all he cared about.”
“You have a massive victim complex and take the worst assessment from every single thing I say. Same as it ever was.” (Hint: LOL)
This is the last time I’m engaging with you on this, because it’s absolutely pointless. (Hint: This was not the last time he engaged on this)

This is only from the last month of the bailout thread. I did it quickly so likely missed quite a bit. If having one of these in almost every post a poster makes is ok to people then so be it.

I will also admit that I am guilty of this occasionally also. I don’t do it in almost every post I make though and I don’t think anyone else on the site does either even though plenty of us are guilty of occasionally doing it.


Yup, realized I goofed it immediately when it was just a giant wall of blurred text haha.

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I’ll run it up the flag pole once again…

We should…

  1. Move this bad poster thread to French BBQ.
  2. Then quarantine all bad poster threads to French BBQ.

I feel this is well within the current mandate of our mods to adopt as SOP.

They’re nowhere near as bad as I was expecting tbh, and nowhere near as abusive or insulting as some other people’s posts itf.


Well, here’s where we disagree, I think a number of people here are immoral regarding this issue because this issue does not affect them at all, but you’re right it probably falls at around 1 percent. Most of the people who I think fit under that are the ones arguing with me. No matter what you think, I don’t put you in that one percent.

It’s a quantity over magnitude thing to me. I honestly laugh at most of them so it doesn’t bother me when he calls me a humorless goon like he did last night in the Covid thread anyways. But it obviously does bother plenty of people and I don’t think it is remotely good posting.

I agree. My point is that any measures taken against him should also be taken against others who’ve posted far worse, though maybe not so consistently and for so long, otherwise it’s just populism.

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How many of those would you consider to be permissible personal attacks if aimed against a Republican poster?

There’s no way for me to respond to this post properly, so I’m going to let it go. Know that it wasn’t intended as some sort of ego boost for me.

Odd thing for someone to say who has me on ignore and can’t stop himself from saying that…lol.

There is no such thing as a good faith Republican? People were earnestly debating nun in good faith in the bailout thread. Good faith posting shouldn’t be met with personal insults just because you are getting your ass kicked.

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Wait, I’m not looking at anything he’s posted here, but if there’s anything like even 100 posts, I’ve made 4500 on this forum. And all of those should be viewed in the context of how they got there instead of what was said that I’m sure is just standard cherry picking. Hint: it was never me who started any of it

Think I said something.

You all know there are a thousand people a day dying and we are being ruled by a mad king so maybe just put each other on ignore and move along to our world as we know it ending.


The Chess club is unlikely to organize their website such that their self-governance documents (quarterly business meeting minutes/etc) on their home page. Instead they’d bury that under “about” or something.

But here, we got our self-governance content, especially the rule propositions (which nobody who isn’t already an UnStucker is going to care about)… right here in our home landing sub-forum (or whatever).

It might work out better if another sub-forum was created entitled “Self Governance”, and not hidden like French BBQ, where all the internal self-governance content, especially the rule propositions, were collected.

Doesn’t that address everyone’s concerns, with the added bonus of making way more sense ???/?

Its, hahahahahaha owned, get that shit out of the grammer thread


This sounds great too, and has the added advantage that less work needs to be done.

I’m 100% behind this idea.

My hero. I edited the title months ago and have been waiting and waiting for someone to notice!