
I don’t know why people keep saying this. It’s obviously not true. Fragments of conversations remain, long derails remain, the mood of the room changes when some dumbass is calling people “bitch”, and so on.


I don’t get this. Why do you oppose the current mods doing this but think that I should?

I don’t care if the mods ban that guy. If they ban Victor I would protest. If some mod wants to ban anachronistic, then they should ban them and if someone complains then we could have a vote. If no one complains, then he’s gone.

Where is all this even happening? I don’t have him on ignore and haven’t noticed anything ban worthy other than having some dumb takes that I don’t agree with.

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And Cassette, I think you should be a mod, and if you want this thing done I think you should just make it happen. We don’t need more voting in discussing around here we need more initiative.

How about this:

Have a panel of 3 or 5 (I think 5 is perfect) moderators. They can even be elected by the community, so we do this democratic republic style. Ideally they will be from a variety of different viewpoints. At any time a community member can put up a vote to demod a mod if things are not going well.

This panel decides by simple majority vote to take action on a poster. What triggers this action? Could be a moderator recommendation or say, multiple posts flagged by the community.
1st action: PM warning
2nd action: deletion of posts and/or temp ban and/or containment (whatever is appropriate and decided by majority vote)
Multiple repeat offenses: perma, which must be a unanimous vote.

I think that’s a good and simple system that’s not easy to exploit. It shouldnt take a lot of work, but would be a good safety measure if anyone comes here with bad intentions (which I believe will happen if it has not already).

It doesnt have to be super complicated.

I see. Well this poll was my first step. I’m not going to impose my will to ban someone if the forum is going to give me grief. Looks to be the case so let’s just let it go.

That’s fine, I don’t think it’s that big a deal. But I think there’s a pretty good chance that nobody would complain. I don’t think there are that many people who want him banned, but like lapka says I’m not sure he has any defenders. If it were just his posting, I would defend him but I think he’s just playing games and trolling us. And also you should be a mod.

This community would never let trolls take over the forum.


Seems like we’re seeking a solution for a problem that doesn’t exist. (Or at least is fairly minor in the grand scheme of things.)

It does though. Currently our only mechanism for dealing with trolling or obnoxiousness is to shout someone down over multiple hundreds of posts, or somehow collectively decide to ignore the poster. That is not healthy.

There is not a huge problem now but if you expect growth, it will be - and it’s better to have something in place before it happens rather than after. That shouldn’t be a tough sell it’s just common sense. Every board will have problem posters.


I appreciate the nomination, but it isn’t clear to me that there’s much for mods to do. We have enough people to lock and split threads. Maybe we should demod some people instead.

Yeah, you need to be able to have moderators with the authority to ban people like Luckbox or the site can never scale up. Eventually you will get someone like him posting crap like that and shouting down something like that is not effective. You have to stamp it out.

sometimes people do get super worked up and need a few hours time out. I used to have that done to me every now and again (through stern warnings) and it really improved my posting. I wouldn’t mind someone taking that action on me if I got out of line or super worked up over something.

Except, switch luckbox now for whatever the left-wing equivalent of that is. Now I think maybe you would be demodded.

I’m far more worried about chez and WN slithering in here and finding some way to get into a position of authority.


Our current mods are great and plentiful and seem to be reflecting the community views. It goes without saying that our current mods have the authority and temperament to ban problem posters. We haven’t really had any so far (anach may be one but I have had him on ignore since I first encountered him). If anach ticks off a mod in a future thread, I imagine he may be temp-banned and on his way to a perma-ban.

Obviously if someone like luckbox starting posting his vile drivel, he’d be perma-banned right away.

Well if a mod perm bans somebody that the community thinks didn’t need banning, then yeah, maybe they needed demodding.

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Despite Victor having plenty of defenders as a “left-wing” poster, plenty here have said they’d be comfortable with a mod giving him a couple-hour cooling off period if he was destroying a thread, and he’s not even a troll. I think there are enough level-headed lefties here that a true left-wing troll could get axed and the community would be OK with it.

I think the lack of mod actions to-date speaks more to the quality of discourse so far than the lack of rules. I agree with you that someone like LB should be (nearly) ban-on-sight, and I also believe that Goofy and other mods would be comfortable with that task.


Dunno. Really I’m just trying to get some of my idea of self organization and self-government into practice which means people taking initiative and rotation of authority and responsibility. If Victor got a short time out and he didn’t care about it that much, I certainly wouldn’t. If he were very upset, I would take his side.