
Asked and asnwered in less than a minute! Well done.

p.s. Jmakin I wish you would come back. That wasn’t meant to be a slight.

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I think if you want to be enfranchised and want to see them banned you need to do some politicking, start a thread for a vote and do some more politicking. Uphill battle imo as I think your position is the minority position in both cases, but probably achievable if you put in the work.

He’s posting occasionally at least in his blog thread. Great thread.

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I thought everybody wanted Inso banned and the mods didn’t think they had the authority or didn’t want to deal with the fallout, so I offered to do it. Then I found out that a lot of people, for some strange reason that must have to do with some personal failing or perhaps the result of a horrible childhood, actually don’t want to ban Inso. So it’s all good. (Well except for Inso still being here.)


Yeah I’m just kidding and only cried myself to sleep like 3 nights before I mostly got over it.

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If it makes you feel better, I can no longer see the lounge and can only wistfully imagine the cool trolly threads I’m now missing out on. I blame you for this.

What would make me feel better is if we didn’t ban you but instead just randomly deleted between 35 to 95 percent of your posts.


I’m not sure I’d be able to tell the difference, but it sounds like a fun experiment.

I’m new to the Jamakin experience, but he seemed like an okay guy.

Definitely not.

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You need to have more community trust than fuckmuffin to get into the secret cool kids club.

I was wrong initially, and admitted so. But I didnt quit the site the first time.

I still read what I can tolerate. I think the site has taken a big heel turn towards debate that some of the time is not rational or reasonable and combined with the toxicity I just can tolerate very little of it, much less participating in it. I will say it’s a minority of posters not the majority but what is tolerated here is nothing I really feel like participating in. I miss the old politics forum, how that was moderated, and I pictured that happening here but it didnt.

I think I have made like 4 posts outside of my blog and still read the off topic threads, particularly video games. I read the covid thread periodically to get updates and the trump thread periodically when I’m masochistic.


I didn’t know he’s Italian.

The super duper cool kids forum only unlocks once you are ignored by 80% of the userbase. This is why I get so frustrated when people call for Inso and the like to be banned. No. Just ignore them. Every ignore gives them more points.

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Just to clarify…

I assumed wrongly that Jbro was more upset than he was and since he was pushing for Inso0 to be banned I took it apon myself to suspend his account for 2 weeks until the matter was sorted between posters.

The suspension was resolved within 12 hours because no-one backed Jbro in his endeavour.



It’s not enough that we’ve established that I’m not only lower than whaleshit, but also lower than even fuckmuffin, but no you still gotta kick me when I’m down…

And to correct the record, I did have several true UP patriots on my side. We just happened to be outvoted by the terrorists.



I still don’t know why he’s allowed tbh, if peeps want to argue with Inso0 types there’s always the old place… Fuck scrap that as I’m sounding like Joe.

Inso0 is leagues above the dregs at the old place.


I would take 5 InsoOs over one Cuckpuffin.