
Yeah I’m not here to create work for people. Four months is fine. I need to work on being less of an intolerant snowflake anyway.


Yeah but when the four months expires it can be hyper traumatic like when my Keed ignore expired.

Probably the only thing I don’t like about this software. I know they are trying to protect me from myself and forgetting I ignored someone but I am a big boy and can deal with those consequences.

I want to be able to ignore a poster, and not have to worry about it forever more.

Clearly one of the main developers has been put on a lot of ignore lists in their life.

I use ignore very infrequently, however I have never ignored someone, forgot about them being ignored and then felt disappointment I did not remember to unignore them. I suspect this is something that rarely happens to anyone.

So I have to surmise the motivation comes from the perspective of a person who is blocked a lot.

I’ve had him muted forever, but why does Anachronistic or whatever still have an account? One of the all time worst posters on SE


I just noticed that you voted against more moderation in the poll :thinking:

Are there any restrictions on mods’ power to hand out temp bans? They’ve done it a few times. A few times there have been complaints, but a few times no one really complained. Victor got three days and it was not a huge deal. Seems like mods have all the power they need to make uncontroversial temp bans.

I think Smaac did some temp ban not too long ago (maybe just post deletion), there was complaint and he undid it. No big deal. Seems like things are working fine for controversial temp bans as well.

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Who knows. It seems to depend on how many members are paying attention and/or having bad day. When Cuse tried to temp NBZ for advocating genocide several regs threatened to quit if the temp ban went through (a couple did) and Cuse eventually stepped down after hundreds of posts of grief.

I realize now this is kind of a dick post. I’m going to leave it because it’s not all wrong.

Can mods temp ban people? The answer seems to be “it depends.”

A lot of people wanted to be free to advocate or at least joke about advocating violence. That was a controversial issue. Team guillotine won.

The threat of the guillotine is what’s needed sometimes, unfortunately.

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I complained when he undid it and nobody did nothing. I feel like I’ve been disenfranchised. And then I found out fuckmuffin made the cool kids club before me. Inso and fuckmuffin for fucks sake. Talk about being neutered.

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The only real rule seems to be that we are operating in a true democracy. Right and wrong are determined by popular vote, so anything goes really as long as you can give a good speech and get people on your side.

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I didn’t take it as dickish.

Also, I don’t think anything we do in any rules thread will change the fact that bans can be controversial and upset people and maybe make them leave. What more clear rules might add would just be that the mod can say “fuck off, those are the rules” and I don’t think that would make everyone go “oh yeah, that’s fine, I’m sorry for complaining”.

At least you haven’t taken it personally.

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Talking about the Smaacc ban? I don’t recall what it was. Did he ban lovemuffin?

The trust system is clearly broken. Good news is that no one actually uses it for anything and the Lounge is just me making weird posts about random youtube videos.

I thought you were talking about when he banned Inso after I had volunteered to do so. Fuckmuffin was a different thing I found to be slighted about.

Unstuck trivia: Which poster quit the site on behalf of one side of the moderation debate and then weeks later quit the site on behalf of the other side of the same debate?

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