
You mod bro?

I’m so sorry to hear this. It’s a tragedy for a person to have hurt you so badly that you can no longer enjoy one of life’s purest pleasures.

No way to know for sure…


It’s his standard remember-I’m-a-mod joke - he likes threatening to throw his weight around like this - it’s his way of reminding himself how important he is.

Just humour him.

Erm, he responded to my post that said “ban”, I think he is well within his rights to threaten me with one as a joke.

Also, whoosh, I think.

Probably. Whatever it is it’s tedious.

It’s a play on “you mad, bro?”

You strike me as someone who is really fun at parties.


lol, what is going on

I’m not fun at parties.

If this is what you’re like at parties you probably do find yourself struck.

I’m an old man now, but back in the day I used to do alright. Guess the boyish looks made up for the personality.

Parties are for drinking and taking drugs, not for goofing around.

At least, they used to be.

All I know is that between 20 and 30 I spent most of my money on booze, hookers, and blow, and wasted the rest.

Only 30, lightweight? I was just reaching the peak of my game around then, like a good batsman.

I get a headache after two or three drinks. I was going to say I’d look for an LSD party or something, but that’s sort of a joke. Really, some good BBQ would be quite nice and maybe an ice cream cake.

A spit roast followed by a cream pie, then?

Clovis is that direction.

You’re as soft as your ice cream but as crusty as your BBQ meat.

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Which one of you is Doctor Zeus on 2+2? He never responded to my little joke.