


You had me at ā€œIā€™ll ban Jalfreziā€



The people have spoken! Or at least some vaguely opinionated subset of them has. All hail @microbet, moderator of the forum. May his reign be marked by abundant crops and peace over our lands, which we do not own but merely occupy in a non-hierarchical and ecologically sustainable manner.


Iā€™ve wanted to do this since March. Theatrical releases no longer exist.

Go for it. I donā€™t think anybody will mind.

LOL at anyone not caring

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zikzak, could you give anonymous examples of when you think itā€™s appropriate vs mindless to quote a post directly above yours?

Or is your claim that itā€™s never appropriate to quote a post directly above yours?

Wish we had enough traffic to justify a pop culture subforum and separate threads for some TV shows or movies. Or some division between prestige TV dramas and Oscar candidates vs superhero, sci-fi and other genre offerings vs everything else.

That would be nice. Might be something we need to build for them to come? Just a few people consistently watching and discussing the same shows would quickly generate a backlog of content to attract new posters. And not necessarily new users to Unstuck, perhaps a greater percentage of the existing userbase.

I often think of the adage that most people donā€™t want to BE the party, they want to GO to a party. So the thing to do is first get enough people interested in making a party people will want to go to.

I assumed from your self-glorification that you had assumed a crown as well :upside_down_face:

Please do this, its annoying having both threads

The streaming thread needs a new title; the ā€œin Soviet Russiaā€ thing doesnā€™t even make sense.


Definitely donā€™t combine the 2. Iā€™m just not that interested in movies. Thereā€™s much more of a downside for people opposed than an upside for people who want it. Plus people who hate it will be a lot more vocal and whiny.

Yes that was a promise


I could never rule against you, Rexx. But that doesnā€™t mean I have to stop microbetā€¦

Zikzak is a bit of a grumpy Gus

If modded i would ban anyone who used the term overton window seriously

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jmakin moving the Overton window on what good modding looks like.


So people who want to talk movies have to click a separate thread to do so, boo hoo. If you combined the 2 myself and others would be forced to constantly scan/scroll over countless posts that have pretty much zero interest to us. Iā€™ve found the tv thread somewhat intimidating as it is, it is a busy thread that can get away from you. I doubt Iā€™d even venture into a combined movie/tv thread as it would be way too daunting.

If anything Iā€™d like separate threads for the really popular shows so people can rattle on to their hearts content about plot strengths/deficiencies unspoilered and the general thread could just be more recommendations/review style.