

Iā€™ll have to do some googling when Iā€™m at my PC again but I think Chappell has studied some stoicism.


I get the impression heā€™s studied that and then some. I would pay $100 a month for a weekly Dave Chappelle Teaches History and Philosophy podcast.


Heā€™s suggesting that the mechanism doesnā€™t do enough - just forces people to click to read them.

I think, right yuv?

I just donā€™t get the whole idea of the click to read feature, although it seems to be a popular UX feature, so Iā€™m clearly wrong here.

My ideal scenario would be the Mod either delete the post, delete and warn the user, delete and temp ban the user or do nothing. And the flagger should get some sort of notification that the mod has read it. I donā€™t really get the value of the parental advise flagged post thingy.

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Click to read for hidden posts is really stupid. It draws even more attention to content that is allegedly objectionable. I brought up the issue with the moderators before and was mostly ignored.


Iirc thereā€™s an ignore button or something that letā€™s you just mark it read and do nothing. Thatā€™s not much to deal with.

I wasnā€™t talking about users directly causing hidden posts, but the actual feature. I get it, mods do it.

One thing that stifles volunteers is that hardly any mods are interested in turning over the reins and we donā€™t need more mods.


We could desperately use more janitors to excise derails and tidy up. And I suspect 95% of the regā€™s here would be snap approved as mod if they wanted to be one, regardless of how many we already have.

Nobody wants to do the job. I sure donā€™t. And neither do you.

I personally donā€™t think we really need mods hardly at all. The community is mostly self-policing. I bet most posters have never reported a post. Outside of ironically doing it itt months back I never have.

My one big gripe with anything here I tried to settle by mob rule, never reached out to a mod and when i failed stfu. It seemed fine to me.

I also think the mods are doing well. I couldnā€™t even tell you who they all are which is a good thing.


Itā€™s come up before when I try to push someone into being a mod that there is no need. Iā€™d be happy to do a term as mod. I have had my turn in power, but on the wild chance that another mod following the example of smacc might help get the community going I would do like 3-6 months.

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Does anybody object to microbet being a mod?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Pole is not anonymous. Own your objections imo.

No objections, but he was mean to me a week ago sniff, I hope we are past it if Iā€™m even on his radar

His daughter stole part of my user name!


Bro for mod

You should put the hidden posts behind a paywall and refund all the patrons imo


This poll is worded in a rather confusing way.

Voters are asserting omniscience. Itā€™s perfectly clear.

Thatā€™s why weā€™re voting for him