

Like abusing someone whose abuse you want them banned for?

LOLOLOL @excuserounder

No. Nobody has ever been banned because another user called for it or because there was a poll. It seems very unlikely that anybody ever will be banned through either method. Obvious cases will be acted on without needing to go through that process. Non-obvious cases wonā€™t result in a ban because the moderators seem unlikely to act on edge cases where there is no clear consensus.

Which is why these stupid drama bombs piss me off so much, because they absolutely never ever ever accomplish anything positive ever ever ever no matter what ever.

So for the love of god, could people with a problem maybe try PMā€™ing the mods first before starting another one of these stupid public shitstorms?

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Well I meanā€¦ delicately put and all that, but itā€™s only ever one person demanding bans here.


I think I may have slipped into an alternate timeline because I canā€™t believe I voted for door #3 lol.

Also I will say this. My time in the discord voice channel in and around the election taught me that pretty much everyone here is an intelligent and decent person. It changed my opinions about some people, not that I didnā€™t like them to start, for the positive in pretty much every case.


Perhaps, but then you end up playing a game of who is the biggest asshole and no one wins that.

To be fair I donā€™t remember caring much about the rules at the time and I think I pretty much chose no rules on all of them. Thatā€™s the only way I can explain that one.

Iā€™m not so sure - I think the same person keeps winning that game.

Online asshole poker is rigged.

Iā€™m aware, but letting the biggest asshole continue without being aggressively challenged and pushed back on is not a W either.

If goofy and johnny are within the first clicks, you can probably assume a decent argument was made imo.

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Itā€™s unfortunate you think weā€™re talking about different people and you see this as a situation where someone ā€œwins.ā€

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This is why we need a bad posters thread. People can argue there about who is the biggest asshole.


Do you think youā€™ll ever get over me calling you out? Or are you going to keep taking shots at me for life?

Iā€™m too stupid to understand your point here, youā€™ll have to be more direct. I assume youā€™re calling me the biggest asshole? OK then.

I explicitly agree with ā€œno one wins thatā€ so I donā€™t think itā€™s a situation where someone ā€œwins.ā€ I pointed out that non-response is not a win either.

Iā€™m good with not having the explicit rule. I voted for it, but now that we donā€™t have it I certainly appreciate being able to tell people to fuck off and such. But there are lines, and while we can argue with where exactly they are and what exactly the punishment should be, some things are obvious.

Your behaviour here has been dreadful and you should face it and stop trying to deflect.

Iā€™m sorry I rejected your offer of friendship, but youā€™re the last person I can think of right now Iā€™d want as a friend because you donā€™t seem to have any redeeming qualities, only a mass of inferiority complexes and neuroses that you should try to come to terms with, which unfortunately for others present as megalomania, self-righteousness and sanctimoniousness, among other things. GOY.

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Correct, you are the asshole. Insulting someone to get them to stop insulting someone else is stupid. If you canā€™t see that I donā€™t know what to tell you. How many times have you successfully insulted someone into not insulting other people?

And I said it was unfortunate you think there is a winning position available when you start the game. Why put yourself in a position where nothing you do is going to a) get the W or b) not make you look like an asshole?


GOY Game of the Year (video games)
GOY Good on Ya
GOY Get Over Yourself
GOY Government of Yemen


PMā€™ing the mods and asking for a perma so maybe it goes unnoticed?

Maybe they should pm the person theyā€™re fighting with and try to resolve it or just fight in private.

Donā€™t flatter yourself - it wasnā€™t an offer of friendship, it was an offer of civility. Iā€™ve been leaving you alone and/or engaging respectfully on various topics for four months, you canā€™t get over the fact that I called you out once. Iā€™ve been extending civility to you for months, and youā€™re unable to resist coming at me at every opportunity.

And given that youā€™ve slung a bunch of personal attacks at me and questioned my mental health on numerous occasions, youā€™re the last person who should be questioning my behavior. Also a hearty LOL at telling me to stop deflecting about my behavior when I have repeatedly said Iā€™m aware that Iā€™m a huge asshole at times.

For the record, this is one of the dumbest things youā€™ve ever said:

I am a human, thus I am imperfect. I have shortcomings. I have a temper, I can be an asshole online at times when I believe it is righteous, I can be sanctimonious about my principles, I sometimes fly off the handle and overreact to stuff regarding politics, Iā€™m short, Iā€™m fat, I have a receding hairline, I donā€™t currently have a girlfriend and Iā€™ve probably been rejected by women more than most, I far too often start projects and then lose interest and leave them unfinished - like my YouTube channel you liked to mock, and my confidence in a few areas often crosses the line into arrogance.

But my list of redeeming qualities is far longer, and provides far more value to those in my life than any of my shortcomings take away, which is why I manage to have self-confidence and self-worth far beyond any concern I have about my shortcomings.

So you can attack me on my shortcomings all you want (and itā€™s crystal clear you will never stop), but I promise you it wonā€™t be anything I havenā€™t heard before, and I will never ever feel that I do not have a long list of redeeming qualities that far exceed my negatives and make me a good person that adds value to the lives of those around me.