
Oh I think a few of us would really like to know, but if they aren’t telling then move on!

I’m 99% sure who anachronistic is.

It’s not anyone you guys would care about (unless you posted in SE).

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I suppose, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were both people who would be more widely objected to than WN.

And yet you refuse to educate yourself on what the fuckmuffin did. Say whatever you want but no one paying attention is going to listen.

If he can log in he can post here, but I don’t know that I would spend a lot of effort stopping people from bringing up his past whenever he does post.

I think both of them were largely lurkers in Politics, nbz already said as much.

Their actual identity reveal would be like when Skeet Ulrich’s mom (that you’d never seen on screen) being the killer in Scream II.


I’m starting to think an Unstuck meetup wouldn’t actually be all that fun lol.


Whoa, whoa, whoa posting here is one thing, giving any kind of authority is just crazy talk.

Read further before reacting.

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I’ve heard that most real life meet-ups between posters are often a disappointment for both parties, but I don’t know.

Everybody meet at Planet 13 and a minimum of two tokes before any politics discussion and we will be fine :crossed_fingers:


Definitely tempted to change my username to fuckmuffin


I’ve met a fair number of people from online over the years. Most didn’t turn out to be forever friends, but by and large they were good experiences.


This isn’t true. NBZ has been temp banned and Will was perma’ed.

However, edge cases seem unlikely to be banned because none of the moderators want to take the heat when they don’t have a clear consensus. But if somebody comes in here posting racism or truther bullshit or whatever I’m pretty damn sure they’re getting axed real fast. I will do it myself if necessary, and I’m not going to wait for poll results or community discussion before doing it. I think the rogues’ gallery over at 2+2 intuitively understand this and that’s why none of them have tried posting here.


Happy to hear this.

But I don’t think either of these really count. Wil asked to be banned, was refused, and then posted illegal pornography to force the issue. And NBZ’s temp ban led to such a community uproar that the mod responsible demodded himself a short while later.

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None of those people liked being shitty posters while lots of people were free to tell them that in many ways over and over. Yeah, I’m sure the mods did lots of moderating in the main Politics forum for years, but most of those people just left or didn’t want to post there.

I’m biased I guess, but wn was/is one the highest content posters over there, plus I wasn’t party to the drama. To the extent that this is a new place, not everybody who posts here is irremediably scared by how/why the old place got nuked, and going out of the way to discourage a non-troll high content poster from not posting seems too spiteful. That said, if most people don’t feel that way, I understand.


I doubt GREEAR can spell anachronistic.

RE: WN I think it’s silly to talk about banning someone based on their modding decisions on another forum. It’s extra silly to go from that to ‘if he becomes a mod here…’ which then morphs into ‘when he becomes a mod here…’ and multiple people are freaking out about a hypothetical that WN says he doesn’t want. AFAIK nobody else has this “I don’t want them posting here because I wouldn’t want them modding here” standard applied.

Also, people who post on the other forum aren’t in a strong position to criticize him for hanging out with deplorables.


You’ve already established that calling someone a racist is worse than being a racist. And calling someone a monster is worse than locking kids up in cages and separating families. So I’m pretty sure WN playing footsie with racists isn’t going to change your mind on anything here. I’ll just settle for knowing you’re wrong about this one and be content to know a bunch of other posters I respect agree.

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Are you ok?


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