
His urging people not to vote seems like it’s done with seriousness to me.

please cite this violence that sabo is encouraging

So what, though? Let him persuade everyone on the entire forum not to vote and the result of the election won’t be altered a jot.

also it’s funny because I think almost all the people discussing the topic in good faith have voted and have even said so here publicly

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I dunno, a lot of people ITF have put work in knocking on doors and working on campaigns and I’d rather encourage and motivate them rather than discourage them.

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He hasn’t urged anyone not to vote in this election. He’s talking about abstention from voting in general and has said it’s a good strategy sometimes and sometimes it’s not.

We can ask him.

@Sabo, are you urging people (peeps!!!1!) not to vote in the 2020 Presidential election?

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Dunno if I stated it, but I have already voted.

Fair enough. That’s getting pretty far afield from what kerowo was saying, though.

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Ok, political then. Fair enough imo. We don’t need another centrist/capitalist US mod.

It’s moot, he says he doesn’t want to be one.

I don’t think it needs to continue to be a topic of conversation.

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wHaT aBoUt ThE lUrKeRs AnD cHiLdRen!?!?!?!?!


Moderation here is fine. I know I would have zero desire to be a mod here. I’m also pretty sure I’ve never had a post moderated or flagged. Just be nice to people.




I was going to respond to that post by splitting it up and saying “lol” to the first part and “agreed” to the second part.

You did it better.


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I invited a group of at least a few thousand deadheads against Trump. I’m sure at least a few lurk.


Deadheads seem like they could fit in fairly well here.

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Yeah they are mostly cool people. There are some fringe nutsos but they seem to be libertarians. There are a ton of deadheads that are voting for Trump though too. It’s pretty crazy the racist shit I’ve seen on other dead pages the last few years.

If you go check out Bob Weir’s facebook page where he is stanning for Biden now, the posts are no different than any other facebook comment section.

Microdaughter’s BF (and other people) has a magazine site with something like 10000 subscribers, but I think they’re mostly too leftist for this site and would not be welcomed and it would lead to more arguing. I’ve mentioned the site here, and I think I gave MD a shirt, but that’s it.