
I’m assuming that if something gets reported they will have a look at it.

Are there any examples of posts that should have been removed but weren’t? Is there any specific feedback you can give the mods?

Moderation seems arbitrarily applied to personal abuse (understandably in the absence of forum rules that none of us can be arsed to try to get agreement on).

Therefore absent clear guidelines mods usually take the right line, which is leniency - hence my comments about them not doing much, which was a roundabout and probably misleading way of saying it’s not a special skill that only a select few are qualified for but something that more should be involved in. I’m with @microbet on this.

This seems like something that should be tabled until next week. Assuming the election results are finalized by next week.


You probably didn’t mean it this way, but that makes it sound like he didn’t resign. He resigned, and I think because he agrees that mod should not be a permanent position.

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I don’t think moderation is arbitrarily applied to personal abuse. Maybe we could have a period of mods logging flags that they disagreed with (while maintaining the anonymity of the flagger) so that we can audit their modding. How often does that even happen?

Or maybe a thread to log posts of comments which were flagged but not hidden. I’d suggest hiding the identity of the person complaining so as to not bias discussion and have those people send posts to a mod or neutral party and we see a collection of posts all at once so we can discern any possible trends in modding.

The best thing to forward this discussion is to have concrete examples of posts, preferably several posts from several users.

Damn jalfrezi making my argument that all the mods are libs.

This is all an overreaction to jmakin’s overreaction. Let’s get past the election and reevaluate. I think things are fine as they are.


lol at getting mad a completely asshole post is hidden. Just amazing


I resigned because the forum members reminded me in a short post that mods should be rotated.

I was being lazy with not resigning sooner and when I realised that I was enjoying some power being a Mod it was time to step down.

For anyone else who may not want to step up because of perceived outside pressure or lack of expertise/experience believe me when I say I was put into the fire and lacked/had all of the above.

And found out that being a Mod brung me some self respect and I hoped my posting has improved since, it made me care more for the forum as a member and brought out a sence of parenting were-in I tried to stop posters doing damage to themselves when posting in haste or rage.

I obviously made a few mistakes and hid a few posts that should not have been but did not get dragged for it.

I tried to give everyone a fair shake and in the end and came away not hating on anyone or the forum.

There are genuine people here who I have gained a great respect for and then some others let me down.

Enough of the Bro’s stuff please, carry on.

Yeah that includes the Bernie Bro insults too. Geez.



What was the purpose of this board? My understanding is that when we left 22 we weren’t trying to form a recruitment site for the radical left with the goal of abolishing capitalism. This forum is currently filled with hand wringing over what some stupid conservative is going to do because they’re being urged to by irresponsible social media. At the same time Sabo is leading the charge to urge some liberal to do something stupid.

I just want to make it clear, that I did not ask or even hint at wanting to be a mod, that should have been pretty obvious from the posts I made on the topic but I guess it wasn’t.

I do not want to be a mod. As if that was even on the table, lol, but thanks to those that say I’d be good at it.

I have more to say on the topic at hand but I’ll let the red bull kick in first

Sabo is not a bomb thrower at all. The only thing he’s ever really encouraged anyone to do with any seriousness is to organize their workplace. I suppose that does count as radical though.


I’m in favour of rotating moderation as long as I, and I alone, am allowed not bother. Or I’m allowed to basically do nothing when it’s my turn.


Mine is that it was a broad church for all reasonable views, but with a distinct anti-Conservative slant. awval was welcomed at first. bob is here, who is quite right wing. At no point did I think it would be limited to liberal capitalism.

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If there aren’t any rules put into place you wouldn’t need to do anything.

Sounds like a winner to me.

It’s hard to find compromise between groups that think it is alright to foment violence against the establishment and those who think it isn’t.

Who thinks it isn’t, full stop? At most we debate degrees, not kind.

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What kind of violence are you currently fomenting?