
i mean

yeah iā€™m grunching what the fuck is wrong with this motherfucker

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o wait he didnā€™t get love or attention at home duh

Holy fuck I feel awkward even posting that as a metajoke.

Why should this be a containable offence on a politics forum?

Itā€™s obvious thereā€™s a schism between the capitalism-dollar lovers and people who want radical change.


Thereā€™s no way in a million years Sabo would ever say something as grossly offensive as the post in question.


It sound good but itā€™s near impossible to enforce. People always find ways around civility rules. And anyway, if someoneā€™s being a total hypercritical PoS why cant you point it out as you might irl?

When weā€™ve had bust ups with a poster itā€™s bound to colour our views of what should happen to them.

People have their own style of posting, and I find his generally benign and amusing, especially compared to the malignant posters here.

People are saying they want rules but no one seems prepared to commit to establishing the framework for them, since JT - they want someone else to do the donkey work.

Those must all have been pretty minor because I donā€™t remember any of them - even the one I was allegedly involved in. Yours with Sabo was pretty bad.

This forum is splitting into two factions, as I said. There are those, the majority, who might be chanting WAAF and other juvenile tosh but only want to see marginal changes in the US, and those who think itā€™s structurally broken and needs rebuilding from the ground up.

This mod argument here embodies that split, and thatā€™s why modding has become topical again.

Personally Iā€™d like to see them all sacked and replaced, sorry, I mean resign voluntarily and be replaced by popular consent. Some of them donā€™t even appear to do anything but are saddos who like the status of ā€œBeing a modā€, the same as they did on 22, and they are all from the same capitalist-dollar wing that has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, which is not how it should be here.


People should be strongly inclined not to give a shit that their post got hidden and the community should gently mock people making a stink about it until they stop complaining or go away. I guess what Iā€™m saying is that a Faith No More revival is long overdue.


Viva la revoluciĆ³n!

What do you think the mods should be doing that they arenā€™t doing now? What things are the mods doing that you think they should stop doing? Which non-dollar-capitalist posters should become mods?

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Really? Iā€™m not getting that vibe at all. Most of them donā€™t appear to do much because there largely isnā€™t a lot for them to actually do, afaict. Which is a good thing.

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Sounds like a cushy gig. Howā€™s the pay?

Fuckinā€™ right mate innit

The supposed split between camps here is way overblown and the mods are doing a good job.

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Admins are very good.

Mods arenā€™t very representative of the community: the radical part of the forum lacks mod representation, as has the foreign part since smacc was demodded (he should be reinstated imo or another foreigner found (in no particular order Flynn/tom/Pauwl/GermanGuy/Louis/pyatinskiovitsyovitch/zara) if he doesnā€™t want the gig).

Mods should not have anyone on ignore for obvious reasons (I know @skydiver8 agrees with this).

All imo ofc.

Not sure I agree. As long as people are diligent about reporting abuse/spam, thereā€™s no reason for the mods to be reading every single post.

How do they judge if something warrants a time out if they canā€™t see it?

Iā€™d estimate the only two mods that fall into the ā€œevil centristā€ category are sky and wookie. Even wookie Iā€™m not sure about. The others lean closer to the so called ā€œradicalā€ end of the spectrum.

That being said itā€™s a meaningless distinction as we are arguing about tiny degrees of difference among a basically monolithic group.

Only a centrist/dollar-capitalist would say that. :grinning: