
Give me a break man. The 60 regular posters here represent something like the top few percent of the left leaning population.

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Top few percent for a bunch of old people sure. They are the top few percent for a bunch of young people., ie they are Marxists. It’s in the mission statement.


Just wait til sabo radicalized us with his baseball stats.

Fair enough but I also don’t get the “more arguments” concern. Arguments is how we learn new things.

Arguments are exciting and intellectually stimulating. They are good not bad, as long as they are good faith.

Otherwise this is just a news aggregation site.

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@bro doesn’t check this forum out much and perhaps it’s too much worlds colliding and her BF has perhaps been a bit restrained in arguing politics with me (I’m a sweet summer child Anarchist and he’s a scientific socialist), but if @bro wants to invite people she can.

Well, if someone even questions whether or not participating in elections is ever bad they might be treated pretty badly and from the other side we might all get called Karens and Chads or probably some other insults we haven’t even heard of before.


Apparently we are all chris’s and matts.


Was gonna make a longer post but since it seems like the consensus is nothing needs to change at all, which I think is not a good idea but w/e, when the day comes to tell you I told you so, I’ll be able to do that.

Sabo isn’t treated poorly for asking that question. It’s hardly a new question. He is treated poorly because he isn’t a serious thinker. He only cares about mocking “centrists”. It’s sport for him, not intellectual investigation. He isn’t interested in actual discussion.

You’ll notice nobody mocks pocket, smcc, you, or the many other very left wing people here. Three posters on the far left get targeted and all three because of the quality of their posting, not the content of their political beliefs.


You’re very obviously wrong about Sabo. He’s not the easiest person to communicate with, at least online, but he’s very obviously put plenty of thought and research into what he’s talking about. You can try to understand him. It might be a challenge and some of that would be his fault as well as yours, but it’s up to you. Maybe the way you and he have interacted would keep him from learning from you as well.

You know, bragging and all, I’m not one for false humility, but I can successfully engage and learn from both of you.

I’m certainly not uniformly that far left.


A bunch of 20 something Marxists would be a breath of fresh air here.


It would be great for our Among Us Discord channel.

Buzzfeed suggests there are Karens, Chads, Matts and Susans. I took the test and got Karen, despite saying it’s no biggie if they get my food wrong at a restaurant. Drinking water, not dressing up for halloween and leaving subtitles on Netflix makes you Karen I guess.

I was put off by Sabo at first but have grown to enjoy his posting, even when I disagree.

Took me a while on 2p2 to realize he wasn’t Trolly’s gimmick.

Are you sure?

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That’s a pretty sad indictment of UP tbh.

(Ex) poker players will always skew towards capitalism, I guess - even the (faux) leftists - and with the average UPer being 40-50, despite what they may say many have accumulated enough wealth and property to fear losing it.


It isn’t only 20 year olds who support the actual left rather than the fake leftist positions most here support - 40% of the UK electorate for example voted for Corbyn’s manifesto in 2017. This is quite insulting lol.

I hope you’re not calling all of them immature because they place value on different things (fairness, greater equality, more emphasis on quality of life instead of profit etc) to you?

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40-50 year olds also have many more family commitments, which often drives them towards the dollar-capitalist end of politics and to abandoning any principles they might once have had.

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Well yes, those are broad terms, but they’re general principles that drive and shape policy positions.

Also, a big factor you may be overlooking is Germany not having had a press dominated by Murdoch etc for decades, and the inevitable and intended effect it’s had in the UK and US (and AUS probably) on public opinion… and how in these countries it’s become impossible now to vote in a left wing government because the press destroy any such candidate with daily scare stories lasting years.

So I understand, I think, why you’re perplexed by people calling for a revolution, but there’s really no other way to stop and reverse the neo-liberal rot that’s clearly intent on diverting wealth from “ordinary” people to the tiny elite supported by Murdoch etc.