
I must be reading different posts then because i saw no insults from nun and one at his giant posts.


He repeatedly called spidercrab a liar, insinuated that treated his students poorly, and wrote like 20 paragraphs over two posts NONE of which responded to the question of “what evidence do you have that this is useful”. It’s just a completely disproportionate response to valid questions.

If I posted the response with zero context, you would instantly know who wrote it. He is the only person on this site who reacts to criticism in that way. I have honestly read maybe 10 of his posts in the last few months because I just can’t be bothered to read very long posts where I don’t really understand the point being made, but was wondering the same thing as spider for the last few weeks re: what the hell SDI is or what it’s useful for.


Missed the student thing. Still came after he took a shot which no one seems to mind. If people are going to insist on no insults from him, there should be none to him.

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That’s all fine, but he was mildly insulted first and retaliated a bit snarkily and if it had been anyone else no one would have commented.

If people can’t be bothered or don’t want to read a longish post, it’s back to the whole ignore/scroll suggestion again.

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Here’s the thing. There is a very big difference in between being critical of someones ideas and resorting to ad hominem attacks every time anything is challenged. Unless I missed it spidercrab did not personally insult nunn although he was critical of nunn’s analysis.

It seems like a lot of people have had the same concerns as spidercrab, myself included, and have been avoiding saying it because of the certain result of being insulted and starting an argument.

That’s the problem with the dynamic imo. If one poster makes it so unpleasant to actually debate them then months of SDI posts can be made that are never challenged and then that idea, which may or may not be valid, is accepted as fact by most.


He took a shot at his giant posts.

Its mild but that is how things start up. Neither of the posts were that out of line.

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You can be a major prick without explicitly tossing around insults. I’ve made an art form of it on boards where I’m close to a ban. It’s tone - it’s condescension.

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There are posters with a much worse tone.

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That seems factual rather than an ad hominem attack? I mean nunn’s post is mild by nunn’s standards I will give you that. That isn’t saying much though.

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If we are going to start banning condescension. I have a list!!






Its a poke.

As far as him personal insulting. Since he has come back he has been good. Accept that one thread where things got heated as far as i know.

He has been good? He has insulted people in every thread he has participated in including the Covid thread. I don’t really get why you seem happy to ignore that. Has he been slightly better? Sure. I will give you that. But his baseline was personal attacks every post. We are down to only some of the time now. Progress.

Can you quote something, since he has come back, outside of the thread which got this going again.

He called cuse and I humorless goons in the Covid thread Sunday night which is what set this whole thing off. He called several of us immoral grotesque monsters in this thread amongst about a dozen other things. That’s just in the last 5 days…

I already compiled the bailout thread ad hominem attacks. They are spoilered upthread.

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Right that was the dust up. You say he cant post without insulting so im asking you to show stuff, before, the latest dust up since he has been back.

Outside of this since he has been back his posts had no insults afaik. But i could of missed stuff.

Feel free to take your own advice and ignore me.

So you want some examples besides the Covid thread, the bailout thread and this thread? Lol what is the point? You are going to handwave it away no matter what is posted.


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